1.1 Explain each of the terms:
1.1a Speech
The word speech when used in relation to children and young people’s development literally means the act of speaking, verbal communication, or to express thoughts, feelings, or ideas.
1.1b Language
The term language refers to an understood, systematic arrangement of signs, symbols and gestures used to communicate.
1.1c Communication
To communicate is to ably convey thoughts, information or feelings using signals, speech, body language, or by the written word.
1.1d Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
A child who is diagnosed with a SLCN is experiencing a communication breakdown due to a difficulty with one or more of the different elements of speech, language or communication. This may be a minor, temporary or a long-term difficulty, which requires extra assistance to support the child’s development needs.
1.2 Explain how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children’s development:
1.2a Learning
An ability to communicate effectively and understand the language being spoken allows a child to participate, understand and develop ideas and opinions.
1.2b Emotional
Children use speech, language and communication in order to express emotion freely, for their own social development and to look after themselves. Children also need to be able to convey their thoughts and feelings in a way that is socially acceptable.
1.2c Behaviour
Understanding language and communication play a major role in the ability to effectively set boundaries and limits that encourage children to behave in appropriate and acceptable ways.
1.2d Social
Children use language to talk to themselves, give themselves instruction, organise ideas, understand something puzzling, express a feeling, or understand the concept of an idea. This kind of speech