So why is it so easy for us to celebrate the ones that we do not interact with every …show more content…
We also tend to compare the people around us to others. Life becomes a game of who can be the “best.” However, everyone has a different view of what the best is. Even if you did congratulate a classmate or friend on their success, in the back of your mind you are thinking about how you will be compared to them, or comparing yourself to them. Being threatened by people around us is understandable, because we are being directly affected. There is direct relationships, thus we are more apt to compare ourselves and others. Jealousy is a huge factor in the realm of success. Competitiveness is also something that isn’t usually manageable as a person, it’s human nature. Parents will compare siblings, causing competition, as well as teachers and their students. This builds attitude of hate, jealousy, insecurities, and overall just bad …show more content…
We don’t know whether to congratulate people or not, because we don’t want to be compared to them and their larger successes. The successful ones get more attention, therefore we don’t want to give the ones close to us more attention than we have. Having others have success around you can lead to the feeling of being belittled; as if there is no room for you to have success when others are taking it. There is a lot of thoughts of lost opportunity, and this is another reason we do not feel the need to congratulate others, it all leads back to a theme of