because of the lack of effort by players and the lack of teamwork within the sporting event itself. If a team can’t communicate and work together then they will never be successful. Football and baseball both have an offense and each of these offenses require teamwork to be successful. To score in a football game a team is required to reach the end zone either by running the ball into the end zone or throwing the ball to someone that is located within the end zone. Each team has 11 people on the field at all times and it takes all 11 in order to be successful. A team could have the best running back in the league, but without using teamwork and blocking for the running back the team would never be successful because they would never score. The same goes with passing without blocking a team could never pass because the quarterback would never have time to throw the ball to the receiver in order to score and win. To score in a baseball game a runner must cross home plate. This is either achieved by an individual hitting a homerun or multiple people getting hits to move the players throughout the bases to home. A team is required to have one person at the plate to try and hit the ball which is thrown by a pitcher. The success of the offense is dependent on the individual not the whole team because there is only one person at the plate each time. Also, if only one person is hitting well you can still win if the individual hits a homerun or multiple homeruns to keep their team in the lead. Both sports have a national championship where the two best teams of the year compete and see who is the best. The Superbowl is the championship where the two best football teams compete, and the winning team's players receive championship rings. Also, in the World Series the two best baseball teams compete and each player receives championship rings. In each championship a mvp is selected and they receive a brand new car for their outstanding performance. However, the Superbowl is a single game and the World Series is a series of seven games.
While a player is playing football or baseball he/she is required to wear equipment.
However, the equipment worn during a baseball game often enhances a player’s performance instead of protection purposes such as a baseball glove. When a player where’s equipment in a football game it is mainly for protection purposes such as a helmet or shoulder pads. These pieces of equipment are used to prevent concussions and shoulder injuries while the athlete is performing. The MLB and NFL both have standards and regulations on the equipment that each team must follow in order to compete.
Baseball and Football both have a unique way of starting a play which is repeated each time in order to put the ball into play. In a football game the center must snap the ball to the quarterback and then the ball is put into play. The quarterback has multiple options to choose from at this point to try and score points. During a baseball game the pitcher must throw the ball to the catcher while a batter is waiting to swing. The batter can either miss the ball, or hit the ball into the field which will allow them to have a chance of
When comparing baseball and football one can see that football often requires more teamwork, which makes football harder to be successful. Football requires more teamwork because in order to be successful 11 people must work together to achieve a common goal, while in baseball a single person can reach the goal by themselves. Sports may not apply to everyone's life, but sports demonstrate the basic fundamentals of teamwork. Also, sports allow you to see that the more teamwork required in life the harder the task will be. To be successful in life someone must be able to work with people, and communicate with one another effectively to reach a common goal.