Sports are very crucial and take part of a vast roll in people’s life. To some it is a stress reliever, fun game, or their entire life but sometimes there are situations that make you step back to evaluate what is actually going on. In a female athlete’s opinion male sports get more than what their sport or any other female sport would get but in a male competitor’s assumption is that they are both given the opportunity to do the same things especially with the Title IX that was put in place in 1972 stating that, “no matter what the sex is of someone, they can not be excluded from, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discriminate participating in any educational program or activity. Each physical activity is given money from the school, fundraises, and has a set fee at the start of each season …show more content…
therefore they will have the financing that they need to participate.” Title IX plays a huge part in the funding process on the grounds that each team must have what they need to play the sport therefore the organizations would get what they need, especially if the other team gets it.
Some high schools come to situations where the boy athletics get more than the girls and vise versa but how interesting the sport and its troubles can be come from the players and media itself.
Women’s physical activity usually struggle with getting what they need to be able to play or function as a team due to the competition with the men activities. Sometimes the teams are having to use uniforms from many years before that are handed down from seniors or those who no longer play, having to walk back and forth to the school just to use the restroom, having to share transportation with the boys physical activity, or do not have the equipment that they need to be able to
play. Female sports have a harder time getting the funding put into their accounts from the school due to the fact that the money goes to the sports that are more popular and bring in more money. Bart Brandenburg told ESPN during his questioning to Title IX, “I have pointed out a couple of negatives, but, overall, I think Title IX was a necessary thing. Women's sports have come a long way. It's not a perfect system by any stretch, but I think everyone deserves an opportunity. Women have a lot more opportunities today than they did when, say, my mom was growing up.” They do not get the time of day from the authority because they have to do their jobs while thinking over the other physical activities at the same time. Title IX has given female sports more of an opportunity for equal funding because the male teams can not have what the females do not and vise versa therefore each purchase is chosen wisely unless they are paying for it out of pocket. A physical education teacher, Carla Harris-Curry was interviewed by ESPN asking about her thoughts on Title IX and she expressed, “It’s a good thing. Without Title IX, a lot of these girls couldn’t play flag football or softball because it wouldn’t be funded.” As that was noted, girl sports do get the funding they need just not as much as they truly need.
Male sports do not really care about what is going on around, as do most of the population, as long as they get what they need to get the job done and to do it successfully. Sometimes the organization is battling because they do not have the equipment that they need to play, having to share transportation with the other sports, and having to compete with the other teams to be the best. They also come in a dispute with the administrators due to the fact that the authority has to make their decisions based off the laws and other sports so everything is reasonable; therefore the team will not always be heard like they would like. Coach Phillip Wisser told ESPN that Title IX has not affected him or his student athletes. After being questioned if the Title IX is a good thing or a bad thing Coach Wisser said, “I think it’s bad. I don’t think it’s right that one team can work their tails off to get it done, and another can reap the reward without doing anything. For example, if a baseball team raises the funds to improve their dugout, the softball team can just complain about Title IX and get a new dugout. I believe you should get what you work for. If not, it sends a bad message to kids.” With that being said, masculine sports do not always get what they truly want because they have to keep in mind what the other sports might do in reaction. Most of the time people think that men do not care about girl sports but actually they do because it is either a family member or their little baby is playing a sport.
The authority and coaches have a lot more say so in the funding than they think they do because they are the ones in charge as well as understanding what needs to be done or invest in. The money has to be spent towards the things that they must have before the things that they want. There was an article written by Damon and Thomas discussing coaches, “Your coaching philosophy provides the foundation for ensuring positive sport experiences for your athletes.” After that was noted, coaches do play a huge role in the players life and how they react towards certain situations therefore they can only do so much when it comes down to the funding issues. Sometimes the athletes do not understand what is going on and get angry with the coaches but do not realize that they can only do a certain amount without risking the program.
Title IX was first made to help with equality so females can play male sports and vise versa but it has been added to due to the fact of equality throughout athletic programs. Funding has been a major problem because of one sport getting things instead of the other or similar scenarios. I personally think that the funding in high school athletic programs are not where they should be due to the fact that the money is given to the sports that are more popular due to social rankings or because of who the coach or players know the best. Male sports get more funding than females do as well as getting supplies before the other that each team would need to be successful, transportation, new uniforms while the other team is using the previous one from years past, and facilities. Without Title IX most sports would not have made it to where they are today.