Illiterate citizens very seldom vote. They are not able make informed decisions based on serious printed information (228).…
In the article “Is there Value in Uninformed Voters?” Brian Dickerson discusses his views on whether or not if people who are apathetic to politics should really cast their ballot on Election Day. Mr. Dickerson believes the way elections are held today are very restrictive to those who are willing to put in the time and effort to study the candidates and the issues, by having a small period to cast their ballots and difficulty to cast an absentee ballot. Citizens that are ill-informed are undermining American democracy because they are putting incapable leaders into office by not studying those who are running or what their values are, they mostly look at the letter that is next to the name. Dickerson states that even lower-tiered, local elections…
The Electoral College is an institution that may have served a purpose 200 years ago when the founding fathers needed a system that would be met with approval by both large and small states. The Electoral College is a flawed method of electing our President that has created problems in previous elections and is likely to be the source of problems in the future. The Electoral College provides an undemocratic method of choosing our president that potentially undermines the will of the voters. Not only can a candidate be elected without actually winning the most votes, it puts our elections at the mercy of electors who don't always cast their vote as pledged. I intend to demonstrate that the problems inherent in this voting method far outweigh any benefits it may provide. Replacing the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes with a system such as proportional representation or eliminating the college altogether in favor of direct election is the best way to ensure a trouble-free and fair election…
Discuss the view that class is still the most important factor influencing the way people vote…
Powell continues to argue that lower levels of education are not the reason for low voter turnout amongst certain…
Compulsory voting would help citizens to become further educated about voting. In accordance to the George Mason University citizens with a lower education or are of a younger age, have a lower percentage of voter turnout(Doc. B). This would be caused by the fact that these citizens don’t have much knowledge of how to vote. Having compulsory voting would eliminate this due to the fact that…
- Experts at the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement have concluded that the thing that most compels America’s youngest voters to vote is contact from organizations and campaigns.…
Many believe that education reflects benefits onto society where others believe that these ‘benefits’ are not externalities and do not warrant government interference. Hall addressed that many in favor of government involvement in education argue that ensuring every child receives the minimum amount of education is necessary to promote a stable, and democratic society (2006, p.166). Friedman, originally in favor of this idea and later opposed, argued that a stable and democratic society is impossible without a minimum degree of literacy and knowledge on the part of most citizens (1962, p.86). A minimum amount of education does serve a purpose in society, but it does not have an effect on democracy. Lott showed empirical and theoretical evidence supporting the lack of effect education has on society. Lott’s proposition explained that education may provide stability, but it is not necessarily beneficial to democracy (1987, 1999). Another argument on education having beneficial externalities is the correlation between level of education and productivity of the individual and their coworkers. Hanushek explained that expanded education of an individual might indeed affect other workers in the economy and the new advancements in technology made by the educated population will lead to a spill over effect (2002, p. 2065). Although this idea may hold some truth, the effects of the spill over are not adequately reflected into the market. Hall insists that even if more educated workers creates a higher level of investment by firms leading to higher wages, the workers are still being paid for the marginal product of their labor (2006, p.169). It is also argued that an increase in education will have a positive effect on income. One would think that people with a higher level of education would have a higher income, but this assumption is false. Pritchett explained that…
Do you think your vote can change America? There are many ways that voting can change…
In the first article “Voters Are Ready to Punish Pro-Gun Politicians. There’s Just One Problem” by George Zornick talks about where the candidates stand on the topic of guns during the races. It is believed that the gun control issue would be a big factor during the race. Voters want to know where it is that the both candidates, Kelly Ayotte and Marco Rubio, stand on. It mentions how 76 percent of the voters in Florida believe that Rubio actually “supports banning people on the terror lists from buying guns” (Zornick). Another 69 percent believe or are unsure whether or not he “supports background checks on gun sales” (Zornick). In the case of Kelly Ayotte, 74 percent of the voters from New Hampshire believe or are unsure that Ayotte agrees…
Most do not vote for they feel they do not have the knowledge needed to make the right choice. Now the Canadian government does enforce a Careers and Civics course that must be taken in grade 10, however the course effectiveness cannot be well evaluated, for the provinces control education, and the content, the teachers that teach the course, and the way it is graded varies . Than two years later you turn 18 and you can vote, but what does that really mean, what are you voting for, who are you voting for and the most important question of them all is, what are you getting in…
Democracy is a foundation of a country’s success. The idea of mandatory voting goes against the democracy of the United States. Mandatory voting is a violation of our civil rights that might become a law in the United States. Although many believe that mandatory voting helps to strengthen a democratic government by increasing the number of voters, mandatory voting violates people’s freedom of choice in the United States.…
Electoral College is the process which was brought up by the founding fathers. The founding fathers made it recognized in the constitution as a compromise, between election of the President by a certain number of votes and by a popular vote of qualified citizens. A controversy would be for Electoral college would be Samuel Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes. In this election it proved that Tilden won the popular votes. Later the Commission voted and settled that Hayes was the winner. This comes to show that Electoral College doesn’t work in anyone’s favor.…
In the United States of America, we consider voting to be an obvious right that everyone deserves. It is a part of our lifestyle and crucial in our government. Despite its importance, voting is not mandatory for American citizens. Only after becoming a registered voter, any United States citizen over the age of 18 can cast their ballot for who they want in positions of power within the government. Those who want to vote are able to, and several accommodations are provided for people who find themselves incapable of making it to the polls on Election Day. Without voters, our government would be unable to function properly. Compulsory voting should be put into effect in the United States, because over public awareness of politics would increase, the power of separate political parties will decrease, and the election results will reflect the public’s true opinion.…
Wilson Q. James. American Government, Brief Version. 11th ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2009, 2012, 2014.…