World Vision has been engaging people to work towards eliminating poverty and its causes. World vision is passionate to helping the poor, and works with all cultures, faiths and …show more content…
genders. Word vision Australia is the country’s largest giving groups; Australians deliver more money to world vision than any other Charites.
With support over 400,000 Australia, world vision is able to achieve to help more than 20 million people every year. Without help from …show more content…
the public world vision wouldn’t be able to continue helping other countries because they depend on the support of the Australian public for funding. Majority of the income that world vision get is from sponsoring a child, emergency relief appeals, cash donation and people partaking in the 40 hour famine appeal. The main aim for world vision’s projects is the help the communities around the world become independent through a variety of benefits such as education and skills training, healthy improvements, farming development, leadership growth and small business workshops.
World vision depends on the support of the Australian public to donate money, without donating world vision cannot provide the poor and the less fortunate with things that they need to live a better life.
The donations that people in Australia give to world vision, is able to help families, adults and children in other countries by proving clean water, access to learning about illness and access to a better education. By donating it can provide clean and sanitation water by giving families better access to clean water by building wells and water pumps, provide hygiene education to children and families. The donations also stop children from dying a preventable illness, teaching mothers and father about child death, train workers and give communities access to quality healthcare and to provide immunisation and regular heath checks children under five. The donations can also help to give children an education; this is by giving communities better access to schools, Train teachers, providing books, pens, pencils and other school materials. Without the help from Australians ‘Dorcas has no choice but to drink filthy water shared with pigs and cattle’ by donating now you can help these poor innocent families and children to get the help that they
By people giving donations and sponsors to children it gives them a much needed boost they need in life and by the public giving donations to world vision they can help those in need. With the public’s help they can help the people that needs helping. If you combine the donations from the Australian public and world vision’s help you can see that aid has made a vast difference in people’s lives; it has prevented 45 million child deaths since 1990, helped an additional 40 million children receive a basic education and provided access to improved water sources for additional 1.8 billion people.
World vision relies on people giving their donations to contribute to helping others in other nations such as Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, east Timor and to the pacific islands but also to south Asia, Africa, and parts of the middle east. if World vision don’t get enough sponsor’s or donations then unfortunately they cannot help other countries giving them clean water, stop children form dying and giving children an education. If word vision doesn’t get enough donations or sponsor’s this means that the death of children will increase and that more and more children will end up getting no education and it will mean that children will die from preventable illnesses.
In addition, as you can see World Vision aid Australia saves and transforms lives in other countries. For example Studies have shown; 20 years ago more than 12 million children died every year from preventable causes. In 2010, less than 8 million children died from preventable causes. This is a 36 percent reduction in child deaths and aid has played a big part in this progress. Therefore without world vision people who need help won’t get the assistance that the disparity need.