River is the alley of transportation and communication which is very important especially during the Neolithic Time in Malaysia. Mankind which survive around the corner had made the position nearby river as their homes because food resources and water resources can be found easily. There were still human beings lived in the cave to protect themselves from enemies and wild animals. A cave will exist through the broken of rocks at mountains and next to be a hole. It is maybe not much difference for them because mountains are like a water tanker that gives water sources.
Due to the effect of technology development, human had changed the surroundings of river to tourism center, hidroelectric generator, mineral quarried, and others. This may varied the functions of river and progress mankind's level undirectly. Outcome of tourism at river and nearby it has established new oppurtunities of occupation besides given advantages to kingdom by getting exchanges of foreign notes when foreign tourists visiting our country.
Apart from these, the useful of hidroelectric generator enables to keep clean water sources to be used by Malaysians especially when the progress of occupants getting more obvious rather than having electric energy. Malaysia is predicted to has owned for about 60 dams for examples are Timah-Tasoh's dam in Perlis, Temenggor's dam in Perak, Batang Ai's dam in Sarawak, and Klang Gates' dam in Kuala Lumpur.
Due to the discovery of Mother Nature, many mineral sources be found. Tin ore has became main mineral sources that attract colonialist such as British to conquer the Malay's land, due to the Revolution Industry happening at their country, made tin ore has a high require. It is also no bad with gold because this mineral can easily melted and shaped that made it very expensive besides have a great celebration especially among women.
Apart from Malaysia, there are also countries that very required river such as Thailand and Canada.