Strategy I: Attention through Vision • Leaders have clear ideas of what they want their organizations to be like and they are good at instilling their ideas in their employees. • Before the first load of concrete was poured, Walt Disney knew what Disneyland would look like, how people would feel after spending a day there, and how he would get them to feel that way. • Leaders have a vision of what their organization will be like when everything is in place and working right.
Strategy II: Meaning through Communication • Effective leadership is accomplished partially through effective communication. • Some leaders write inspiring memos. Others hold meetings complete with models, drawings, and charts to get their ideas across. • Bennis points out that such communication has little to do with facts – rather, it concentrates on direction. • The idea is to get everyone in the organization to share the same ideas and dreams so that they will all hear the same music and play the same tune – based not having a song book in front of them, but because they just know instinctively what the tune should sound like.
Strategy III: Trust through Positioning • People who work for effective leaders trust their reliability. They know what their leaders are going to do what they have said they are going to do, whatever it takes. • Effective leaders hold on to their