1. What natural disaster devastated the coast of Thailand?
A tsunami devastated the coast of Thailand.
2.What are the causes of this type of disaster?
Slow earthquakes under the sea floor cause tsunamis.
3.As a responder, list the needs and concerns you expect victims and survivors to have?
As a responder, I would expect victims and survivors to have open wounds, hunger, dehydration, emotional distress, and missing family members.
4. How could you meet those needs and concerns?
I could provide food and water, antibiotics, sympathy, care, and first aid kits to patients. I would also speak to my supervisor of those in need of surgery and other medical assistance. I would report missing persons to who is in charge of this unit.
5. Name 5 aspects of the film that you found interesting, upsetting, comforting, and confusing?
It was very upsetting to me that these terrible events happened after such a joyous holiday. It was interesting to me how even the buildings were so easily torn down. I also found it interesting how far the water went back after the tsunami hit. Third, I was interested by the fact that the tsunami hit again just moments after the first giant wave. I was comforted by the love and care that the Thai natives showed to Maria when they brought her, Lucas, and Daniel back to their village.
6.How close to reality do you feel the film depicts the true experiences of victims in these types of events?
I think the movie depicted reality very well. I think a lot of the characters may have had more luck than those victims in real