In the novel Lord of the Flies, Golding’s pessimistic view that evil is an inborn trait of mankind is valid. Firstly, what seems like a little vacation for the boys is quickly erased by the brutal savage-like behavior that many of the boys on the island possess. Secondly, the death of Simon or goodness on the island shows that evil has completely taken over the boys’ minds. Lastly, the fact that the beast lies within mankind symbolizes the evil that is present in humanity. Therefore, the boys on the island express the innate evil in mankind that can possibly be released when there is no structure and very little means of survival.
The thought of evil being an inborn trait of mankind is shown through the savage like-behavior that many of the boys on the island possess. As the boys try to organize and prepare a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate. As a result of this conflict, a band of savage tribal hunters is formed. Eventually, the boys almost entirely rid themselves of the civilized behavior that has been instilled in them throughout their years. “ much too long, tangled here and there, knotted round a dead leaf or twig; clothes, worn away, stiff like his own with sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom; the skin of the body scurfy with brine” (Golding 101). This quotes uses imagery to show the degree of the boys’ transformations on the island. As their days on the island progress, the boys ' outward appearances become less civilized. Therefore showing that their outward appearance is a reflection of their inward, savage-like state. This quote also shows that the boys’ surroundings have further contributed to bringing forward their innate barbaric behavior. At the beginning of the novel when things on the island were orderly, the boys dressed in their school uniform which physically symbolized order, rules, and democracy. However as time progressed on the island, the boys’
Cited: Anonymous. "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Locke, John . Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 17 Apr. 2011. Web. 16 Dec. 2012. Christadelphians, The. "The Source of Evil." The Source of Evil. Biblical Concepts, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. Golding, William. “Lord of the Flies.” New York: The Putnam Publishing Group, 1954. Spitz, David. "Power and Authority: An Interpretation of Golding 's "Lord of the Flies" Rev. of Lord of the Flies. The Antioch Review 1970: 21-33. JSTOR. JSTOR, 25 May 2010. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. .