Economics and Information systems
Aboyowa Okoturo
The relationship that occurs between one’s consumption, his or her personal preferences and the demand curve is one of the most complex associations in economics. Unconditionally, an economist would carry the mind set that whatever is purchased by an individual is consumed, and the only exception to this is if the purchase is for a productive activity. With this essay, I intend to briefly examine the income and substitution effects that come from a change in the price of a good. The models defined below are just that: models – or basic illustrations of an evident fact (this time, a model of the way a consumer picks between two goods and what happens when the income and substitution effect go in opposite directions). This is a theoretical depiction; it captures the fundamental elements of consumer selection, predicting the way people will react to a change in price.
According to The Law of Demand, when there is a change in the price of a good, the amount of the good consumers are able and willing to pay for changes and figures go in the opposite direction. For example, when the price of event tickets go up, the quantity demanded for how many tickets one can purchase falls with all other things being equal (ceterus paribus). Preferences are the necessities by every individual for the consumption of goods and services, and they eventually translate into employment selections based on capabilities and the use of their income from employment for purchases of goods and services to be joined with the consumer's time to define consumption events.
Consumption and production are two separate things, because there are two different consumers included. In the first instance, consumption is by the main individual whereas in the second instance, a producer might