As was stated earlier, nowadays life is easy for the modern world,but looking on the other hand of the novella, it wasn't easy for everyone. Kino is a native …show more content…
To prove that on page 16, it states “Kino had two ropes, one tied to a heavy stone and one to a basket.” Usually the pearl divers couldn't open the clams that easy because of the lack of sharpened utensils, so they went through the firing process, which made the pearls permanently black instead of whitish-pinkish color.There was also many dangers around, but the determination to live a happy life, kept them …show more content…
The irony in the story about the church, is that churches are supposed to help those who are broke in life, physically and spiritually, but the story shows it otherwise. It is noticed on page 22 “ The news came early to the beggars in front of the church, and it made them giggle..” Only Juana’s faith and her “correct” mindset, helped her and her husband through the difficult times of their life.
As it was previously mentioned, La Paz was a very beautiful city, taking care of the poor natives including Kino’s new family.The definition of the word La Paz, means peace, but was without doubt, the busiest, in order to provide food and stability in life.The first poverty example, is given from the first pages of the novella, when Coyotito is described sleep in box hanging from the roof of the hut. On page 2, it states “On her hand barefeet she went to the hanging box where Coyotito slept…..”
Because the village was so poor, no one could afford houses like nowadays.Instead they had to live in huts, which set on fire very easily. Kino is being described looking at other houses, just like his,making the same corn cake breakfast as everybody