1. Indian constitution is the lengthiest constitution with 443 articles, 26 parts and 12 schedules Previously there were 395 articles, 22 parts and 9 schedules. 2. Indian constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949.
3. Indian constitution was enforced on 26thJanuary 1950.
4. Fundamental rights – USA Aritcle (14-35) Part iii Justifiable(enforceable in court) 5. Directive principles- Ireland Article (36-51) Part iv not Justifiable(enforceable in court) 6. Fundamental duties- Article 51-A 42nd amendment act, 1976 not Justifiable 7. India is a federal state i.e. has two governments one at the centre and the other at the state level unlike a unitary government which only has one government. 8. Though the written constitution are rigid. Indian constitution is rigid as well as flexible because some articles can be amended by a simple majority of the parliament whereas some articles can be amended only by a resolution passed and approved by at least half of the state legislatures. 9. India has a parliamentary government not a presidential one in which there is executive and legislative function is in the same people 10. Independent judiciary
11. Single integrated judiciary unlike in USA- federal and state 12. Single citizenship unlike in USA- federal and state
13. Universal adult franchise adult suffrage-Article 326 (right to vote to adult)
We the people of india having solemly resolved to constitute india into a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic and to secure to all of its citizens : Justice- social economic, poltical
Liberty – of thought , expression, belief, faith, worship; Equality of opportunity and status; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of individual and unity and integrity of the nation
1. The preamble sets out the purpose for which the constitution is framed. it is the gist of the constitution. 2. The words socialist and secular were added into the preamble by