The children of London are suffering due to industrial revolution, before they were forced to work in the factories and mills around Britain they used to work alongside their parents in the fresh air and farms of the rural villages.
The factory owners approach poor families and orphanages and offer them a home to sleep in, food to eat and clothes in exchange for hard labor. The first jobs children often work at are in the water powered cotton mills, they are called apprentices. The spinning factories require a humid and warm atmosphere to be able to function properly, steam engines contribute to the heat in the factory and the children have to work through long days in these uncomfortable hot conditions.
Children are being paid unfair and low rates, they are being paid almost nothing. Factory owners are employing more and more children everyday as they can get away with having a large number of workers at a low cost and maintenance. The Children of London are also being used to carry out the most hazardous jobs in the factory, they are ordered to move between moving machinery where adults cannot fit to fix machinery. They dip matches into phosphorus, this chemical is causing the children’s beautiful teeth to rot later in their life. Some even die because of the long-term effect of breathing phosphorus. Your children are at risk.
Children are also employed in the cotton factories but also in mining, which is a very dangerous occupation as there are no safety guidelines. There are often explosions, roofs caving in and trapping the miners most children who work in the mines usually die before the age of twenty-five. Do you want to send your children out into the workforce so early now? I think not.
Not only are they employed in the cotton factories and in the mining business but also in nail factories, construction
Bibliography: Secondary Source- Secondary Source- Secondary Source- Primary Source-