The Industrial Revolution, which took place between the 18th and 19th centuries in Britain, was characterised by the introduction of machines for laborious work, the replacement of animal labour with human labour, and the widespread use of mineral resources. Machines were built to mass produce goods which were generally in the textiles and manufacturing industries. Of course with this industrialisation based in the cities, urbanisation became a major trend for families. This revolution had many impacts, both positive and negative, which strongly affected health, environmental, working and technological factors which still could be debated to affect our lives today.
One major impact of the Industrial Revolution was based around health aspects. This impact was both positive and negative because of the conditions people were living in. Positive health outcomes that came from the Industrial Revolution included improved living conditions, death rates declining, birth rates increasing, innovations in health care and common diseases were eradicated with preventative medicine. This lead to people living a healthier and easier lifestyle. Negative health impacts of the revolution included the pollution of the air caused by all the emission let off by the factories and lack of safety protection in factories which lead to many workers injuring themselves. Health and social aspects of the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the workers and the environment.
Working conditions had a major impact on society throughout the Industrial Revolution. With the invention of mass-producing machinery overcoming hand-made methods, people who were looking for a career were forced to move to the cities. This eventually led to the employment of women and even children who earned up to 5 shillings a week for working in dangerous conditions for 16 hours a day! This situation was one of the worst negative impacts seen in the revolution as a