Abstract: In second language acquisition, age factors has always been the study focus and one of the most controversial issues of linguistics. Based on the Brain Plasticity Theory and the Critical Period Hypothesis, the purpose is to prove such a hypothesis that the younger the leaner who begins to learn an second language,the greater the probability that he or she will achieve a native-like command of it.
(许柏琳 110502112753)
Key word: second language acquisition age factors
1 Introduction
1.1 The Definition of Second Language Acquisition In order to investigate and understand the factors of second language acquisition (SLA for short), it is important to establish clearly what the meaning of the term “SLA” is. SLA refers to the subconscious or conscious processes by which a language other than mother tongue is learnt in a natural or a tutored or a classroom setting; it covers the development of phonology, lexis, grammar, pragmatics and other knowledge . There are two distinctions concerning the definition of SLA that need to be attached great importance so that what positions researchers have taken up in order to study how an L2 is learnt will be clear. Firstly, it is very important to make a distinction amomg the terms “seconde language”, “foreign language” and “targe language”. Technically, learning an second language takes place in a country where the language is widely used, while leaning a “foreign language” takes placein a country where it is not an everyday medim. For example, when the English language is learnt by a learner whose mother tongue is Chinese in the United States, it is called an second language; when learnt in China, it is called a “foreign language”. The term
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