The biggest issue with people having a drug problem is being disqualified from employment for drug abuse. Drug testing applicants would further help someone who may need help but doesn’t know how to get clean, or the right direction towards the correct help they need to stay free from drugs. Being free from drugs would then help someone not need welfare because they would be able to get a regular job in the work world, thus saving the government more money in the long run. The United States seems to be the only country with the issue of drug testing, but this could be a positive thing that could influence other countries around the
The biggest issue with people having a drug problem is being disqualified from employment for drug abuse. Drug testing applicants would further help someone who may need help but doesn’t know how to get clean, or the right direction towards the correct help they need to stay free from drugs. Being free from drugs would then help someone not need welfare because they would be able to get a regular job in the work world, thus saving the government more money in the long run. The United States seems to be the only country with the issue of drug testing, but this could be a positive thing that could influence other countries around the