Vreden Jahrgangstufe:11.2
Facharbeit im Grundkurs „Erdkunde Bilingual“
The influence of economic globalization on the development of transnational corporations analyzed by the example of
Apple Inc.
Verfasser: Jan Philip Petershagen
Betreuender Lehrer: Herr Berger
Abgabetermin: 21.03.14
Table of Contents 2
1. Introduction 3
2. Definition of Economic Globalization 4
2.1 History of globalization 5
2.2 Impact on and opportunities for the economy 6
3. The Apple Inc. 7
3.1 History 7
3.2 Current Products 8
3.3 Outsourcing and global distribution 9
4. Conclusion 10
5. Bibliography 13
6. Eigenständigkeitserklärung 14
The world has become a global village in the past 200 years where everybody and everything is statically connected. An individual is able to contact people on every spot in the world within seconds as well as countries are merging together to form a powerful unit that can resist against major forces in the west and east of the world. This process is called globalization.
However, the process of globalization does not only influence the societies and the politics, it of course also plays a major role in the development of the economy. Medium-sized business have turned into large-scale multinational companies that evolve, produce, and distribute in various countries in the world. Anyway this change of the economy has not only positive effects, it also has some negative aspects that are important to name and realize. I, myself, am an individual that has grown up in the times of globalization and was strongly affected by the benefits as well as the drawbacks of globalization. In order to further investigate the process of globalization I decided to firstly describe and define the term economic globalization, secondly try to apply
Bibliography: Bhagwati, J. (2004). In Defense of Globalization 2http://www.oecd.org/sti/ind/global-value-chains.htm