a plan in order to provide relief. As I stated above Hoover seemed to be a bit impatient to back up my hypothesis “Hoover had no intention of waiting until Congress got around to passing a food bill. Hoover acted as though he were a plenipotentiary. He immediately set up an office, recruited a staff, and issued orders. By cadging a sum from the president’s discretionary fund, he put himself in the position to spend government money without congressional authority” (P34). The fact that Hoover was hasty when it came to this issue could be one reason why the writer of our book Leuchtenburg believes that Hoover was not prepared. Hoover took it upon himself during the food crisis of 1917 to make his own rash decisions. His road to presidency was one that was highly noted. Furthermore, the great depression was and still is one of the most important events in American economic history. The way that the President of the United States handled the great depression during this time is also a very important event as well.
a plan in order to provide relief. As I stated above Hoover seemed to be a bit impatient to back up my hypothesis “Hoover had no intention of waiting until Congress got around to passing a food bill. Hoover acted as though he were a plenipotentiary. He immediately set up an office, recruited a staff, and issued orders. By cadging a sum from the president’s discretionary fund, he put himself in the position to spend government money without congressional authority” (P34). The fact that Hoover was hasty when it came to this issue could be one reason why the writer of our book Leuchtenburg believes that Hoover was not prepared. Hoover took it upon himself during the food crisis of 1917 to make his own rash decisions. His road to presidency was one that was highly noted. Furthermore, the great depression was and still is one of the most important events in American economic history. The way that the President of the United States handled the great depression during this time is also a very important event as well.