Lady Macbeth has always manipulated and convince others to do things they didn’t like or want to do.
Lady Macbeth told Macbeth “We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail (I vii 229). In other words, Lady Macbeth had told Macbeth that he was no man because he doubted on everything and that showed Macbeth he had to do what was on his Wife’s mind. Macbeth had been manipulated by Lady Macbeth after she called him a coward, so when Macbeth sees his wife again he tells her “There’s one did laugh in ‘s sleep, and one cried “Murder!” (ll ii 234). Macbeth had been convinced by his wife to kill the King even though he didn’t really want to, but Lady Macbeth had convinced …show more content…
The witches told Macbeth he would be thane " All Hail, Macbeth! That shall be king thereafter! ( 1 i 219). In other words, the witches would tell Macbeth that he would be king but other would try to stand in his way so they encourage Macbeth to do whatever it took so people wouldn’t take his place. Nevertheless, the witches only talked to Macbeth in the being and told them what he should do, but Lady Macbeth was the one that convinced Macbeth to take out some people that might take his place. Lady Macbeth told Macbeth “We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail (I vii 229). Lady Macbeth challenge Macbeth when he didn’t’ want to do something making him do them like when It came down to killing king