Abstract: This article talk about how World War Ⅰ and World War Ⅱ impact Europe. Describe it through three aspects of political, economic and cultural.
Key words: World War I, World War II ,Europe, History, Culture
1. Introduction
World War I and World War II were the war mainly battlefield in Europe but spread to the world ad last for years in history. It has a very profound influence on Europe 's economy, political and culture. The outcome of the wars had a deep impact on the course of world history.
2. World War I
World War I was a war occurred mainly during the day on July 28, 1914 to November 11,1918 in Europe, but spread to the world. At that time most of the countries are involved in this war. In America, it was initially called the European War.
2.1 Overview
The immediate trigger: Sarajevo assassination
Underlying cause: a resurgence of imperialism
Start flag: July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Affected regions: Europe, Africa, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Middle East, and Asia
Allies: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy, the Ottoman Empire
Triple Alliance: Serbia, Russia, France, Belgium, the UK, Italy (Italy after the London meeting mutiny)
End mark: November 11, 1918 Germany 's surrender
Results: The Allies won, after the war formed a Versailles - Washington System
2.2 The Influence
Compare with the wars of modern Europe the World War I was different, no one would have expected, the war was last more than a dozen years. During the war, the new inventions and new weapons spawned by industrial development have a chance to extensively test and practices. Aircraft, tanks have appeared, poison gas, submarines turns debut. In the face of modern positions trenches, barbed wire, machine guns, cannon constructed, thousands of young lives wiped out.
First of all, The World War I greatly weakened the power of the European imperialist countries, and promoted the
References: [1] The impact of the Second World War and Its Implications,Ed. By Peng Xunhou , Xu Xinming, 2001,28-31.