In the story The Inheritance of Tools the passage states “My grandfather used to cut down hickory trees on his farm, saw them into slabs, cure the planks in his hayloft, and carve handles with a drawknife” This shows that he is very crafty and likes things hand-made.
In the story The Inheritance of Tools the passage also states “After proposing marriage to a neighbor girl, my grandfather used this hammer to build a house for his bride on a stretch of river bottom in northern Mississippi. The lumber for the place, like the hickory for the handle, was cut on his own land. By the day of the wedding he had not quite finished the house, and so
right after the ceremony he took his wife home and put her to work.” This shows that he is retired but still works and makes things hand-made.
In conclusion, The grandfather in the story is crafty and likes to get the job done himself.