But if we want to look at the researches which work with certain literary genre, namely, fantasy genre, we find out that such works are very few. Although exactly fantasy fiction most closely connects with myth, fairy and folk tale, it means that just here we can find schemes and elements of the rites of passage, which an author used consciously as well as unconsciously.
In our work we try to carry out semantic and structural analysis of some of the most significant books in the fantasy genre in order to understand how often and in which way authors of these books use schemes and elements of the rites of passage, specifically, the initiation. Also we try to find out what concrete forms of initiation occur in fiction in that genre. We deal with some philological phenomena such as literary archetype and mythological cliché. These concepts help us to describe the elements and symbols of the initiation process reflected in the fantasy fiction.
Our research is interdisciplinary, because we lean heavily on all the four above-mentioned types of science literature, and use each of their different research methodologies. We combine methods of anthropology, psychology, folkloristics and