• Innovation is largely spurred by distressing factors such as economic struggles and strained infrastructures, environmental problems and poverty. As history records have shown that during such difficult times, innovation and creativity has taken its place to ensure the betterment of the peoples’ lives.
• Definition of Innovation: A new way of doing things that results in positive change, which makes life better. It is a commitment to continuous improvement on everyone’s part.
• How can you set yourself apart from everyone else? By asking, “How can I help my clients or customers do better?”
• Do not confuse innovation with invention. The two notions are complementary but different. Not everyone can be an inventor but everyone can be an innovator.
Chapter 1 – What would Steve do?
• Innovation cannot be inspired via a rigid, step-by-step method or training program.
• Apple innovations are found everywhere even if you’re not a mac user or an owner of Apple products. The very fact that the new operating system, Windows 7, was inspired by Apple’s OS X, Apple technology has definitely touched your everyday life.
• There are seven principles that drive Steve Jobs:
• “Do what you love” (Career)
• “Put a dent in the Universe” (Vision)
• “Kick-start your brain” (Thoughts)
• “Sell dreams, not products” (Customers)
• “Say no to 1,000 things” (Design) Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
• “Create insanely great experiences” (Experience)
• “Master the message” (Story)
• These seven principles will work, regardless of your job title or function, as long as you see yourself as a brand, and you represent the most important brand-yourself. Young Steve saw himself as a brand and tried to appear bigger than he was because he already thought he was.
Chapter 2 & 3 – Principle 1 – Do what you love
• One might perceive Jobs’s early stages of life to be tough, but he loved every single