Course Themes:
• Using technology effectively in the classroom to promote 21st century skills
• Identifying ways students and teachers can use technology to enhance learning through research, communication, collaboration, and productivity strategies and tools
• Providing hands-on learning and the creation of curricular units and assessments, which address state and national academic and technology standards
• Facilitating student-centered classrooms that encourage student selfdirection and higher-order thinking
• Collaborating with colleagues to improve instruction by problem solving and participating in peer reviews of units
Course Outcomes:
Unit Portfolio
• Assessments
• Course Resources
• Student Sample
• Unit Plan
• Unit Support
Course Length: 8 Modules; 32 total in-class hours, 12 additional hours outside of class
Module One: Teaching with Projects
In this module, participants explore how technology-supported projects can be used in the classroom, determine the type of planning required, and begin planning their own units. All of the activities in this module build a foundation for remainder of the Intel Teach
Essentials Course.
Activity 1: Getting Started
Activity 2: Examining Good Instructional Design
Activity 3: Looking at Projects
Activity 4: Planning a Publication to Explain Projects
Activity 5: Creating My Publication
Activity 6: Reflecting on My Learning.
Planning Ahead: Beginning the Planning Process
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
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Module Two: Planning My Unit
In this module, participants get to start working on the units they will develop during the course and eventually teach to their students. As they plan their units, they first define