The ethical conflict is Billy used his way to cheat when applying the internship at Google, he wrote that himself and Nick were graduated from University of Phoenix Online. They are actually not graduated and do not have any relevant skills that required by Google. Nick at the beginning disagree with Billy and felt guilty to defraud the personal information. They have their online interviews with using the computers at library because they do not have their own computer. They denied they are in the library and said that they are helping kids program. I think that their actions or behaviors are unethical because it is wrong to cheat when applying a job. Cheating is always morally wrong because it takes others’ freedom to choose a rational decision. We must be sincere when providing our individual information. Their immoral behavior will cause unfair to other interns. I think Billy and Nick should tell the truth so that the interviewers will give …show more content…
They went to a strip club. It is a business ethics issue that we can see in a strip club. We doubt that is it morally right that people who work at the pub or is it ethical for people who are going? The girls who get the job paid with need to dance or not wearing can be claimed as unethical behavior. They have moral responsibility toward their behavior. For me, strip club is an unethical business because it is conduct people to misdoing and immoral to culture. Moreover, Yo-Yo who faced ethical dilemma whether want to try to drink the alcohol or not. He don’t want to drink because his mum said alcohol numbs the brain but Nick try to break out his myth. Yo-Yo gets to drink and receive dances. Yo-Yo has the right to make his own decision because he is already over 21 years old. However, he needs to think critically his decision making is morally right or wrong. Indeed he is responsible to what he