Capital punishment has been a part of our justice system since the beginning. For many years the controversy of the death penalty has created social issues that question the validity and fairness based on concerns of moral and human rights. Even though many other nations use this form of justice, the fact that the United States views itself as a leader of human rights brings question to whether we are practicing what we preach. Nevertheless, the majority of US citizens are in support of the death penalty but does that make it rational? In the following paragraphs I will discuss my opinions on capital punishment and talk about issues concerning the death penalty as a deterrent to crime, should it be abolished and whether should youths convicted of violent crimes receive the death penalty. I will also explain how the irony of capital punishment makes it an issue of ethics having that both sides of this issue have valid positions that will keep the idea that as long as there is crime, capital punishment is here to stay whether we like it or not.
One of the main purposes of capital punishment is to prevent other violators from committing violent crimes; yet and still crime rates remains relatively high in the United States. I feel as though when people participate in acts of violence, especially murder, the thought of some sort of extreme punishment is considered. In an article, The States and the Death Penalty by David C. Nice, he informs how conservatives feel severe penalties are needed to deter crimes and that liberals believe that some crimes are due to forces beyond an individuals control and can be rehabilitated. On the other hand, there are some criminals that do not care about the fate of their own lives and in some cases commit suicide after they have killed. Once this has happened capital punishment is no longer a deterrent but just another form of retribution. The fact is the death penalty is not an efficient way to deter
References: Boyd, D., & Bee, H. (2006). Adult development. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Brettschneider, C. (2007) The Rights of the Guilty: Punishment and Political Legitimacy Ehrlich, I. (1977) Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Some Further Thoughts and Additional Evidence Moore, N.B., & Parker, R. (2007) Critical Thinking: 8th edition. New York, NY: Mcgraw-Hill Mosser, K. (2010). A Concise Introduction to Philosophy, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Radelet, M. L., Borg, M. J. (2000) The Changing Nature of the Death Penalty Debates Rankin, J. (1999) Changing Attitudes toward Capital Punishment. Social Forces, 58 (1), 194-211.