Mohammad Islam
Term Project
The Issues of Water Wars
Water is essential for life; it is an indispensable resource for the economy. Not only we human use it every day to survive, but every living organism needs it to live. Water is becoming a hot topic around the globe because of water waste and water pollution. A few states and cities are also having water wars. There are many states and cities with many issues of these water wars, but the issues with the tri-state water wars between Georgia, Alabama, and Florida caught my attention. For a long times, Georgia, Alabama and Florida has been fighting over the future supply of water from the Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint (ACF) river basin and the Alabama Coosa Tallapoosa (ACT) River Basin. It is a battle between the population of Atlanta, the ecological interests of Florida, and the municipal, industrial, and power uses of Alabama. Each state has its own interest and issues about the suitable distribution of water.
To begin with Georgia as an upstream user, this is why they have the advantage. Georgia’s main goal is to have more water than any others so it can continue to grow; specially in flourishing metro Atlanta. Georgia has pointed out a very important issue that the Fresh water is an essential fact for human to consume on their daily life. However, the expert in
References: Congressman Bob Barr. May 24, 1999, official web site http://barr.house.gov/newsdescr.asp?RI=435 By Marcello Ballve, Pacific News Service, Mar 11, 2002 http://www.pacificnews.org/content/pns/2002/mar/0311water.html