The reform movement during this era consisted of numerous events. Jackson put into action a new prison “correctional” system that helped young delinquents rather than punishing them which was created by Dorothea Dix. He also eliminated the elites in politics and this created a rise in the middle class. This rise of the middle class gave fair and equal opportunities to everyone and people were being elected by popular vote and not by being appointed. A veto from Jackson concerning the bank of the United States turned into the banks crashing and failure. He vetoed the bank because he felt as if it was a device to the wealthy and that it hurt the “common man”. Also, Jackson opened up expansion of the west which was a benefit to the farmers (aka the “common
The reform movement during this era consisted of numerous events. Jackson put into action a new prison “correctional” system that helped young delinquents rather than punishing them which was created by Dorothea Dix. He also eliminated the elites in politics and this created a rise in the middle class. This rise of the middle class gave fair and equal opportunities to everyone and people were being elected by popular vote and not by being appointed. A veto from Jackson concerning the bank of the United States turned into the banks crashing and failure. He vetoed the bank because he felt as if it was a device to the wealthy and that it hurt the “common man”. Also, Jackson opened up expansion of the west which was a benefit to the farmers (aka the “common