“Mother Leeds,” known as the mother of the Jersey Devil, had twelve children. On 1735, Mother Leeds found out she was pregnant with her thirteenth child, the Jersey Devil. She did not like the fact that she was having another child, though the rumor was that Mother Leeds was involved in Witchcraft, crying that her child would be born a devil. She wanted him to be …show more content…
a devil, she wanted nothing to do with him at all and she did not care that that was her son. Mother Leeds wanted him out of her life and never to come back to her. The Jersey Devil was born completely normal. He did not have anything wrong with him but a few minutes later, he began to change and because of that everyone was terrified. The room exploded bigger with screams as the Jersey Devil grew in a massive rate. He grew bigger than a man and and he began changing into this huge beast. Once he was fully grown into the beast he turned to be, he started attacking and beating all the women with his tail, including his own mother.
Some people identified Mother Leeds as Deborah Leeds. She had a husband named Japhet Leeds, they lived in the Leeds Point section, which is now known as Atlantic County, New Jersey. They did not stayed together, although Japhet had a second and third wife, and had children with both. Not only that but the Leeds family was known as “monsters” because of what went on when the Jersey Devil was born. Not only that but also the fact that everyone believed Mother Leeds was involved in witchcraft, that gives them a reason to say and believe that the family are monsters. Everyone around them is scared of the and want nting to do with them. No one ever wanted anything to do with them, and never messed with them in anyway. Everyone around them tried to stay away from them because they had nothing but fear towards the family.
On the week of January 16th through January 23rd 1909, there were hundreds of claims that the Jersey Devil was seen published in the newspapers. One of the articles that were published was that The Jersey Devil had attacked a trolley car in Haddon Heights and then just flew away. There was another trolley car full with people who saw what had happened. That night he attacked a social club in Camden and once again flew away like it was nothing. Other articles included people seeing the creature's footprints in the snow.
Due to all the sightings of the Jersey Devil, schools were closed, and workers to stay home. Everyone feared that they would see the Jersey Devil and that it would attack them in any way. On January 19, 1909, Mr and rs. Nelson Evans were awakened by the sound of a large animal on the roof of their shed in the early morning. That made them believe that the Jersey Devil was real and it was definitely on their roof. In 1961 a couple were parked in their car besides a road in the Pine Barrens when all of a sudden they heard a loud screeching noise around them. Suddenly the roof of the car smashed and the horrible noise that they heard was now right on top of them. The couple took off from the scene. A couple minutes later they came back to see an unknown creature flying within the tree line make the same terrifying noise. There were groups of hunters trying to find the Jersey Devil because of all the claims that people had been making that they saw the Jersey Devil.
There had been rewards offered to anyone who finds the creature. The Philadelphia Zoo announced a $10,000 reward for the Jersey Devil. Thought they were not the only ones who offered an award for the creature. So many people wanted the Jersey Devil, everyone wanted to know if he was real or not. They thought that if they catch him or if they buy it off someone they will get fame for it and they will be known as the person or people who caught the mysterious Jersey Devil.
Two men, Jacob F. Hope and Norman Jeffries took power of public fit of madness about the Jersey devil and offered $500 for the monster. Many people wanted to catch the Jersey Devil because they knew they would get a lot of publicity for it and of course they would be known for catching the Jersey Devil. Not to mention that everyone won’t have to worry about getting attacked or anything happening to anyone if they catch him. They want to be safe and be able to go out and do things, as well as sleep peacefully without having fear that the Jersey Devil will attack them or do anything bad to anyone. No one wanted to live in fear. Although the real reason people offer rewards for the Jersey Devil is because the want proof that it is real. They want to actually see the Devil. No one can actually believe he exist unless you claim you seem it somehow.
There have been reports of children that had been killed by the Jersey Devil or that he had attempted to kill them. Although there is no supporting documents to actually support those reports people had made against the Devil. There have been deaths due to the Jersey Devil, when he was born, he did kill all the women in the room, including his own mother. If he could kill of those women in the room where he was born, including his own mother, he could and would kill anyone or anything in his path and that is want makes everyone scared of him. In 1966 the Jersey Devil was accused for killing of thirty one ducks, three geese, four cats and two dogs at a local farm, one of the dogs was a big German Shepard that was found with its throat ripped out. Also, in 1987 in Vinland, NJ, another German Shepard was found ripped apart and the body apparently chomped up. The body was located twenty five feet from where the dog was chained up, all around the bogs body there were strange unidentifiable footpaths that no one could recognized.
Though the Jersey Devil also killed chickens. Everything that walked around, or any animal on a farm, he seemed to want to kill them. Even though he has not killed anyone, he has hurt people. He did bite and clawed some of the people in the birth room to get them out his way so he could have a chance to fly away from there. There have not been deaths due to the Jersey Devil after the farm accident with the animals happened, but there have been claims and sighting of him scaring residents, knowing that everyone around feared him. As everyone seem to spot him somewhere along their way, but no one has ever really made an attempt to catch him.
A lot of people today still believe that the Jersey Devil exist. There is still people out there who claim they spotted the Devil and have reported it to the news for everyone to know. Since no one ever really knew if he was real or not, it’s hard to believe what the truth is. The most recent sighting was in 2008. There was a man who was driving and while driving, he seen an animal that he thought was a llama, so he took a picture. Looking the picture he noticed that he had taken a picture of the Jersey Devil. Today, there have been people who believe that the Jersey Devil is still yet the most dangerous creature to exist. The story of the Jersey Devil has been thrown around for hundreds of years and not yet has he been captured. Throughout the years, less and less people been worried about the Jersey Devil coming along and hurting them in any way. The story has slowly decreased as the years went on.
Nowadays, no one will ever talk about the Jersey Devil.
It’s not the first thing people talk about when they have conversations. It’s not like how it was back then in the 1800s or the 1900s. No one ever really go out of their way to catch the Devil, although there have been a couple people who still claim that they have seen the Jersey Devil. On January 21, 2008, a man in Eldora overheard an odd screech and noticed a creature that looked just like the Jersey Devil’s. Minutes later after going inside the man’s house the phone started ringing. The Devil flew away as soon as he heard the ringing of the mans cell phone. The man did not see the Jersey Devil again after that. When all of that had happened, it scared him that maybe it would come back and try to kill him or something of that sort, but he never came back after that
The newspaper, New York Times was given no less than ten reports on the Jersey Devil and the claims that people have been making. Even though not a lot of people been saying that they seen the Jersey Devil, there have been enough that the reports made the newspapers. No one has yet to catch the dangerous Jersey Devil. The same thing keeps being done, claiming that they saw the Jersey Devil. Which is all that anyone can really do because no one really knows if he exist or not. The story of the Jersey Devil will continue to go around until someone actually finds him or prove that it does exist. Now that is 2017, there has not been any reports of anyone from anywhere arguing that they have seen the Jersey Devil. We live in a world where everyone believes what it in the newspaper, or what is being said around. No one will never know if the Jersey Devil really exist, there has not been any believable prove that he has been spotted or caught by anyone. Which makes the story of the Jersey Devil a myth and it will continue to be a myth until proven otherwise from someone who can actually prove he exist.