The Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works, once regarded by many as the principal agent of the Counter-Reformation and later a leading force in modernizing the church. The Jesuits have always been a controversial group regarded by some as a society to be feared and condemned and by others as the most laudable and esteemed religious order in the Catholic Church. The Society 's founder was baptized Iñigo, after St. Enecus (Innicus), Abbot of Oña: the name Ignatius was assumed in later years, while he was residing in Rome (University). At an early age he had been legitimately received into the ranks of the clergy. It is not know when, or why he was released from clerical obligations. Ignatius was brought up in the household of Juan Velasquez de Cuellar, contador mayor to Ferdinand and Isabella (University). He was affected and extravagant about his hair and dress, consumed with the desire of winning glory. Evidence tends show that his own subsequent humble confessions of having been a great sinner should not be treated as pious exaggerations (University). In 1517 Velasquez died and Ignatius took service in the army. The turning point of his life came in 1521. While the French were besieging the citadel of Pampeluna, a cannon ball, passing between Ignatius ' legs, tore open the left calf and broke the right shin (University). With his fall the garrison lost heart and surrendered. Ignatius was well treated by the French and was carried on a litter to Loyola, where his leg had to be re-broken and reset (University). All these pains were undergone voluntarily, without uttering a cry or submitting to be bound. But the pain and weakness, which followed, were so great that Ignatius began to grow weak. On the eve of Sts. Peter and Paul, however, a turn for the better took place, and he threw off his fever (University). One night as he lay awake, pondering these new lights, he saw clearly, the image of Our Lady with the Holy Child Jesus, at whose sight for a notable time he felt a reassuring sweetness, which eventually left him with such a loathing of his past sins, and especially for those of the flesh, that every unclean imagination seemed blotted out from his soul, and never again was there the least consent to any carnal thought (University). When Ignatius left Loyola he had no definite plans for the future, except that he wished to rival all the saints had done in the way of penance (University). His first care was to make a general confession at the famous sanctuary of Montserrat, where, after three days of self-examination, and carefully noting his sins, he confessed, gave to the poor the rich clothes in which he had come, and put on garment of sack-cloth reaching to his feet (University). His sword and dagger he suspended at Our Lady 's altar, and passed the night watching before them. Next morning, the feast of the Annunciation, 1522, after Communion, he left the sanctuary, not knowing where he was going. He soon met a kind woman, Iñes Pascual, who showed him a cavern near the neighboring town of Manresa, where he could retire for prayer and contemplation, while he lived on charity. But here, instead of obtaining greater peace, he was consumed with anxiety. At one time he was violently tempted to end his miseries by suicide, on which he resolved neither to eat nor to drink (unless his life was in danger), until God granted him the peace that he desired, and so he continued until his confessor stopped him at the end of the week (University). At last, however, he triumphed over all obstacles, and then abounded in wonderful graces and visions. After a period of intense prayer, he composed the Spiritual Exercises, a guidebook to convert the heart and mind to a closer following of Christ. On August 15, 1534, at Paris, six young men who had met him at the University of Paris and made a retreat according to Spiritual Exercises joined him in binding themselves by vows of poverty, chastity, and a pilgrimage to Jerusalem (University). The original members were: Nicholas Bobadilla, Peter Faber, Diego Lainez, Simon Rodriquez, Alphonso Salmeron, St. Francis of Xavier, and Ignatius of Loyola. If this last promise did not prove possible, as it did not, they vowed to accept any apostolic work requested by the Pope. In 1539 Ignatius drafted the first outline of the order 's organization, which Pope Paul III approved in his bull Regimini militanis ecclesiae on September 27, 1540(University). The society introduced several innovations in the form of the religious life (Britannica 541). Among these were the discoinuence of many medieval practices, such as regular penances or fasts obligatory on all, a common uniform, and the choral recitation of the liturgical office, in the interest of greater mobility and adaptability (Britannica 541). Other innovations included a highly centralized form of authority with life tenure for the head of the order; probation lasting many years before final vows; graduation of members; and lack of a female branch (Britannica 541). Particular emphasis was laid upon the virtue of obedience, including special obedience to the Pope (Britannica 541). Emphasis was also placed upon flexibility, a condition that allowed Jesuits to become involved in a great variety of ministries in all parts of the world (Britannica 541). The society grew rapidly, and it quickly assumed a prominent role in the Counter-Reformation defense and revival of Catholicism. Almost from the beginning, education and scholarship became the principal work. The early Jesuits, however, also produced preachers and catechists who devoted themselves to the care of the young, the sick, prisoners, prostitutes, and soldiers; and they were often called upon to undertake the controversial task of confessor to many of the royal and ruling families of Europe (Britannica 541). The society entered the foreign mission field within months of its founding as Ignatius sent Francis Xavier, his most gifted companion, and three others to the East. More Jesuits were to be involved in missionary work than in any other activity, save education. In the summer of 1556, Ignatius was attacked by Roman fever (Knight). Ignatius ' doctors did not foresee any serious consequences, but the saint did. On 30 July 1556, Ignatius asked for the last sacraments and the papal blessing, but he was told that death was not imminent (Knight). When his condition was realized, the last blessing was given, but the end came before the holy oils could be fetched (Knight). Perhaps he had prayed that his death, like his life, might pass without any demonstration. He was beatified by Paul V on 27 July 1609, and canonized by Gregory XV on 22 May 1622. His body lies under the altar designed by Pozzi in the Gesù (Knight). The preeminent position of the Jesuits among the religious orders and their championship of the Pope exposed them to hostility (Collier 's 550). By the Middle of the 18th century a variety of adversaries, both lay and clerical, were seeking to destroy the society (Collier 's 550). The opposition can be traced to several reasons, primarily, perhaps to the anticlerical and anti-papal spirit of the times (Collier 's 550). In 1773 Pope Clement XIV, under pressure especially from the governments of France, Spain, and Portugal, issued a decree abolishing the order (Collier 's 550). He noted that he did so to maintain peace and tranquility within the Church. He listed the charges against the Society, but made no judgment about their accuracy, and avoided making any condemnation of the Society itself. The local authorities everywhere seized Jesuit houses and colleges. Some Jesuits were imprisoned; some were driven into exile. The superior general of the Society, Lorenzo Ricci, was imprisoned in Castel Sant 'Angelo where he died two years later (Collier 's 550). The society 's corporate existence was maintained in Russia, where political circumstances, notably the opposition of Catherine II the Great. Catherine refused to publish the papal brief, thus allowing the Society of Jesus to exist in Russia.
The demand that the Jesuits take up their former work, especially in the field of education and in the missions, became so insistent that in 1801 Pope Pius VII formally confirmed the Society 's existence in Russia. The society was officially restored throughout the world on August 7, 1814. After the restoration, the order grew to be the largest order of male religious. Work in education on all levels continued to involve more Jesuits than any other religious order. They were also involved in a broad and complex list of activities, including work in field of communications, in social work, in ecumenical groups, and even in politics. By the time of Ignatius ' death in 1556, about 1000 Jesuits were already working throughout Europe and in Asia, Africa and the New World. By 1626 the number of Jesuits was 15,554; and in 1749 the total was 22,589. Today, the Society of Jesus has nearly twenty-five thousand members worldwide. Its members dedicate themselves to the service of the Church under their superior general, Very Rev. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. Through its missions, its parishes, and its educational institutions, it lives out a world-affirming commitment to the service of faith and the promotion of justice.
1. Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference, Volume 6, 13th Edition, "Jesuits." Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1998: 541.
2. University of Scranton. "History of Jesuits." 2002. June 27, 2002 .
3. Knight, Kevin. " The Catholic Encyclopedia On-Line Edition: St. Ignatius Loyola". 1999. June 27, 2002. .
4. Collier 's Encyclopedia, Volume 13. "Jesuits." P.F. Collier & Son. 1997: 549-550.
Bibliography: 1. Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference, Volume 6, 13th Edition, "Jesuits."
Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1998: 541.
2. University of Scranton. "History of Jesuits." 2002. June 27, 2002
3. Knight, Kevin. " The Catholic Encyclopedia On-Line Edition: St. Ignatius Loyola".
1999. June 27, 2002. .
4. Collier 's Encyclopedia, Volume 13. "Jesuits." P.F. Collier & Son. 1997: 549-550.