Amazing Grace, by Jonathan Kozol, is about the author’s interviews with, and thoughts about, some of the poorest people who live in the poorest sections of New York. The facts stated in Amazing Grace startled me with the prevalence and desperation of the poverty situation in areas like the South Bronx and Mott Haven. These are areas where there are hundreds of thousands of people living in broken, crowded, and rundown apartment buildings, “That,” says Kozol, “most people would not even kennel their dogs in.” (pg. 51) I have been to areas near my home that I thought were poverty stricken, but they pale in comparison to some of the situations that I read about in Amazing Grace. On the very first page I was surprised by the fact that, “In 1991, the median household income of the area, according to the New…
In N.T. Wright’s book Simply Jesus, he tries to bring to light the character of Jesus, attempting to articulate both who he was, is, and his mission. He draws mostly from the gospels - though he borrows from other books as well - to paint this picture. Wright argues that the perception of Jesus has become muddled as culture and history have distanced themselves and confusion has ensued over the actions of Jesus, as they quite contradictory to general expectations. He calls for liberals and conservatives alike to quit arguing so as to come to agreement on what really matters, the facts rather than their interpretation. So much of the gospels could be described as symbolic, it is hard to understand with certainty…
In The Original Jesus, author Tom Wright examines Jesus in the historical perspective. He attempts to take you back to Jesus's own time in order for the reader to recognize the message Christ was actually proclaiming and to interpret it and the Gospels in the context of those times.…
Francis lived his life around poverty. He gave everything up in order to have a personal connection with God. In Sweeney’s lecture, he explains Francis view on poverty. Francis said that being poor was a sure way to understand the message. Giving away all of his belongings allowed him to focus on God. Francis thought if you owned things, then you had to protect them and if you had to protect them, you may even be tempted to use violence against someone (Sweeney, 2014, 77). Poverty was a way of discovering his identity before God. Francis thought that possessions would affect the relationship between him and God. He was a mendicant, voluntarily poor Christian who relied on the goodness of others or on Gods grace, for daily needs (Sweeney, 2014, 74). This is what Francis based his life on. He didn’t use money to buy anything but relied on God to provide for…
In the novel, the characters and events symbolize the themes presented in Christianity. An example would be Jim Casy, a former preacher who stopped preaching for he had sinned. He accompanies the Joad family to their journey to California, and even though he insists he isn't a preacher anymore, he continues to preach the Joad family.…
“Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,” returned the gentle man, “a few of us are endeavoring to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all other, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down…
First are the “poor in spirit” who Lindberg believes are those people who society has run down and essentially used or ignored. They are demoralized and have all but given up, resigning to their lowly status. Yet Christ tells us that “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Then there are those who mourn who will be comforted. This blessed group is said to consist primarily of those who are temporarily incapacitated due to the loss of something or someone they held to be very dear. Jesus goes on to say that the meek will inherit the earth. These people are very unimposing and ask little of anyone else. They do their best with their circumstances but are not likely to strive for anything greater.…
In order to understand Jesus, we need to locate him in the first stories that were told about him. These of course, being the Gospels. People who are touched by the story of Jesus both then and now, respond in different ways. What remains true is that the story of Jesus continues to capture the imagination of people, inspiring hope and a new vision, just as Matthew and John did. Each of the four Gospels seeks to answer the same fundamental question put to Simon Peter by Jesus- “And who do you say I am?”…
The lower class and outcasts addressed the upper class with deference due to wealth and power, but the rich didn’t address the needy with deference, instead they saw them as inferior since they were subordinate. Jesus however, did not view this as acceptable to society, so he aided the poor and the outcasts and viewed them as equal, to break down social barriers. For example, a Samaritan woman came to draw water at a well in Sychar, when Jesus approached her asking for a drink of water, “When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, ‘Will you give me a drink?’” (John 4:7). This was uncommon in Jesus’s time since Jews were not allowed to associate with Samaritans since, “In 2 Kings 17:23-34, we are told that the Jews never came back to Samaria” (What’s Wrong With…
I believe that the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Means to always be humble. This beatitude shows that people who are humble will go to heaven, while those who are not humble may have other plans in store. Humility is truly something that has been overshadowed in today’s world, with everyone boasting of there own accomplishments, and not thanking or recognizing others for the great things that they have done. Yes, being great at something is awesome, but you did not get there all on your own, you have to give credit where it is due, and boasting about that certain thing will only make you seem cocky. This is the first beatitude,…
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."…
All people were created by God?s image, so that everyone is equal and they also should take care of each other (Affluence). 2 John 2:2 mentioned that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for the sins of all the world (ESV). Jesus serves people kindness and takes people?s sin away. So all Christians should share their faith and His greatness to other people who have spiritual poverty (Affluence). The best way to do this is to share God?s wisdom to the poor in spirit and let them know more about Christianity and God (Affluence). However, only spiritual help cannot solve poverty entirely (Affluence). The poor people also need practical support (Affluence). God gives people everything in their lives as gifts (Affluence). So God also wants Christians to be nice to help the poor in any different ways such as serving them food, clothing, financial aid and other things which the poor people need (Affluence). All Christians need to remember the intention of Christianity, which is to learn God?s wisdom. So that Christians should do the same thing as God does for all of His children (Affluence). In a word, the love of Christ leads Christians to alleviate poverty (Platt…
The genre of this book is gospel. The key theme of John is Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is the one who gives everlasting life. Key characters in this book are Jesus, John the Baptist, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene. The first part of John tells of Jesus’ ministry and teachings. John tells of how Jesus performed miracles such as healing the lame and blind and bringing Lazarus back from death. The story of the feeding of the five thousand is also mentioned in John. In chapters 13-17 John tells of Jesus’ time just before his death and resurrection. Here, Jesus prays for His disciples and for Himself. The last part of the book tells of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here, He is crucified on the cross after being trialed and convicted illegally. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene after arising from His tomb. He also appears to His disciples.…
Think about sitting in a theatre watching a play. You can get lost in a story when an actor does his job correctly. If that actor has sincerity and conviction in his tone then it is easy to believe his character. The primary reason - coming from prior knowledge in a World Religions class - behind the rapid spread of Christianity was word of mouth. In the time of the Roman Empire there was not one single enforced religion. They were tolerant of all religion and due to the constructions of roads communication became more efficient. Tales of Jesus of Nazareth were being told all throughout the Middle East. Though it was originally an outlawed religion it eventually gained so many followers that it began to be a threat to the Roman Empire. Christianity…
The young man said to him, "All these I have observed; what do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."( Matthew 19:20-21)…