
The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall Character Analysis Essay

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In the short story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” Granny Weatherall’s stubbornness is reflected in the way she views people’s actions and in her obviously senile thinking process. Whether consciously or subconsciously, she regards most of the attempts to aid her or please her as either threatening or rude. This is derived from her stubborn attitude towards death and illness. She views herself as being near immortal until the very end. Her first misconception of someone trying to help her is shown in the very beginning of the story. When the doctor tries to check her pulse and give her a routine check-up, Granny Weatherall “flicked her wrist out of Doctor Harry’s… fingers.” This is followed by her considering him to be a “brat” who needs to “respect [his] elders.” The doctor then tells her not to get out of bed. She responds by telling him to “get along and doctor your sick… Leave a well woman alone.” This reaction to the doctor’s check-up show’s that Granny is very confident that nothing is wrong with her. Whether this is her senile mind taking over or if she really believes that she is fine, there is some part of her that doesn’t want to let go of life. …show more content…

Cornelia clearly sounds worried about her mother’s fading health, but Granny sees the whispering as being rude. When Cornelia comes into Granny’s room to check on her and see if she needs anything, Granny’s face tied up “in hard knots” and Granny says “I want a lot of things. First off, go away and don’t whisper.” Again, a simple act of generosity is viewed by Granny Weatherall as a rude act. Her stubborn attitude in this segment seems to be suggesting that she really believes that she does not need any help with anything. Even when she falls asleep, she hopes “the children would keep out and let her

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