Correspondence 2: Why is the world so full of suffering? This correspondence is a very important question that I often ask myself. As I look around our community and around the world, I ask myself, how can Gd if he is all powerful create such a divide between the healthy and the sick and the rich and poor? I have been fortunate enough to travel within our own country as well as abroad.…
I never really saw how anything good could ever come from my story…I couldn’t find a purpose for my pain, but even if I can’t see it now, God is weaving a…
Remember when you were brought into this world? You were given a path you create and follow alone. Your path could lead you to being the best person out there because of what you have gone through. I personally went through a lot of good times but had my fair share of bad. This made me who i am as an individual.…
Throughout life are untold dangers and unnumbered hardships. With every new day comes change, and with every change, big or small, there is a new obstacle to be conquered. Sure, some obstacles are petty pebbles on the road, but some are boulders blocking the path to your destination. In these particular situations, you bond with others sharing your experience and begin to realize, you cannot move forward by yourself. Around you, families pile up and gather around. What you lack, another may have and vice-versa. Suddenly what was his is yours and what was yours…
Topic Sentence: A crisis is an emotionally disruptive experience that is challenging to get through; having the ability to cope will only impact people’s lives for the better.…
My Hero’s Journey is a journey that shows that you can become anything. No matter what mold you come from, what environment you were raised in, who your parents are, who your friends are, you are you. You choose your own paths in life. You become who you make yourself. Choose the right paths and God and the people he puts in your way will help you get to where you need to be. You are destined for greatness and that is what makes me and you a…
As with almost all "Christian" holidays, Easter has a secular side as well. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. Easter has always had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival. It was co-opted by Christian missionaries starting in the second century CE. Easter must be celebrated on a Sunday between the dates of March 22 and April 25.…
More than anything else inner journeys are about the challenge of self reflection . Do you agree?…
Every day individuals are unaware of everybody’s story; unaware of the difficulties they are coping with, unaware of what’s going on in others minds. Until November 19, 2012, I was unmindful to these thoughts.…
In recent days we have lived, and continue to live, a crisis that has impoverished many people and has changed the priorities of many people; but in my childhood the crisis for many people was perennial. In all crises, those of before and now, there are always a few who have much, almost everything or everything and many who have little, little or nothing. The heroes and heroines I want to talk about are those men and women, fathers and mothers, who have belonged or belong to the group of those fighters with scarce resources.…
Throughout my life, countless problems have plagued me, some more serious than others. Many of these issues were conquered with the help of my friends, leading to a closer bond with them. Other times, the issues have resolved themselves, providing me with more of a learning experience. There are those obnoxious problems I have not been able to solve, the issues that pester me months after they first occur. These are the problems that have truly tested my abilities and beliefs and made me think carefully.…
Similarly, the adversity I have overcome has been vital in myself becoming the person I am today, and due to this I feel that I am more self-aware of myself, and others. In the case of myself, I am more aware of my thoughts, and I now tend to engage in positive self-talk to garner support and belief of myself that I realize that I crave for, which in turn, allows myself to not crave it from others, which has lead myself to become vulnerable in the past (Shebib, 2016, pg. 22). In addition, I still have work to do in completing my healing and growth, and one way I find that I can accomplish this is by attempting to find an individual that is willing to help me deal with my struggles, and to empower myself, whether it be from counselling or a personal…
To What extent has studying the concept of inner journeys expanded your understanding of yourself individuals and of the world?…
I had a life changing event that occurred in my life that could have ultimately took my life. I was diagnosed with an illness that devastated me drastically and I almost gave up all hope of living. I immediately went into counseling to learn more about the illness and the effects it will have on my life and to deal with the psychological aspects. Once I went through the counseling sessions, I realized my worries were bigger than the illness. My doctor and counselor helped me to get back on track with my life by implementing various strategies to help me to…
Example of my personal crisis: In 2012 my 39yrs old brother was diagnosis with stomach cancer, He was very health conscious about many things including his diet, exercise, and staying healthy (non- smoker and non-alcoholic). Many times my family including my brother fined our self-questioning god even anger at times with him. My brother always say” I am a strong believer in god and with him all thing are possible”. As Christian and a care giver I believed that having faith and a spiritual background help me to believe that prayer, meditation, support from family and religious leader (pastor, priest, or Rabbi) is a great assets in any health crisis.…