to some people, there is still some strong evidence that he traveled to China, India, and other various civilizations by providing some accurate characteristics and specific details from those locations.
As Marco Polo moved along the Silk Road he became excited in reaching China.
When he finally made it to China he had the privilege to met The Great Khan. He controlled so much territory throughout Eurasia and established Mongols posts in those providences. Marco Polo observed many luxurious and beautiful palaces owned by the Khan. He saw many fine palaces made from gold and marble and other ornamental stones (Polo 108). He was first introduced to the idea of paper money, which was something very different at the time in Europe were gold or silver coins were used. This paper money was issued to specific people with their names, which would be stamped and issued by appointed chief of officials of the Khan (Polo 147). The idea of “burning rocks” or coal was something he also found very interesting and lasted much longer than burning wood. The Great Khan was a very militaristic person who had many troops ready at any moment to fight and defend the Mongol territories. The Mongols had created a system of communication to warn the Khan of possible invasions or other important issues. This system of communication was similar to the Pony Express were a man on a horse would travel a long distances with an important message to the Khan. These messengers would stop at several posts miles apart with rested horses ready to travels off again until they reached the next post. Marco Polo was able to serve under the Khan court for seventeen years, were he learned so much in detail of the Mongol
After Marco Polo left China, he was able to reach the great civilization of India. In India or Sultanate of Delhi he learned so much by observing the vast country. He observed the Greater part of India which the civilization Maabar resided. This civilization was divided by five kings who were brothers. He observed some religious priest named Brahmans. He states that all the Brahmans in the world sprang from the province in Lar. They were the best traders in the world and most reliable. They would not eat meat, drink, or have any sexual intercourse expect with their own wives (Polo 277). These Brahmans worshiped Hinduism and this religion was something new to Marco Polo, which he became fascinated with. He observed how people ate there foods and only used their right hand to eat. It was forbidden to eat with the left hand because that hand was considered to be unclean and foul. He was able to note in detail that no one would drink out of others flasks, each person drank from there own. If a stranger wanted a drink and did not have a flask, they would pour the drink in their hands (Polo 266). He also discussed the different environments in India. He discussed how amazingly hot the climate was during the summer months. There is little rain during those months and people wore fewer clothes. Many precious stones and diamonds were all produced in India and some were shipped to the Great Khan. India was a very well interesting civilization Marco Polo had the privilege to encounter. Mongol Khanates (Need to search and discuss)
Minor civilizations
Marco Polo began his journey along the Silk Road traveling to Baghdad, Tabriz, and Hormuz. In Baghdad Marco Polo described the woven fabrics of cloth of gold and silk, known as nasich and nakh (Polo 52). The Caliph of Baghdad was very powerful, owned many precious stones, gold, and silver. Marco Polo describes how the Caliph did not like the Christians and wanted to kill every last one. The Christians were being chased and hunted by the Caliph’s army. The Christians were stuck on top of a mountain and the only way to escape the Saracens was to fall of a cliff. However, the Christians asked God for his guidance to help them against the Saracens. The mountain began to move and the Christians were saved. This was the miracle that occurred on that mountain Marco Polo described. After Marco Polo visited Baghdad he headed to the large city of Tabriz. In Tabriz, he observed how the people relied heavily on trade and industry. Gold and silk was woven to best quality and had so much value. Many merchants would come from all other parts of Eurasia to trade goods. He discussed that the inhabitants were mixed from different civilizations and worshiped Muhammad. Marco Polo also visited the great city of Hormuz. This city had great harbor that was very rich in trade. Many merchants came from India and other parts of the world. The qualities of ships built were not the best because many were not built with iron nails, rather stitched together with coconut husk thread. He observes the people and describes them as being black and worship Mahomet (Polo 66-68). Marco Polo traveled to many other cities and providences along his journey as well.