Once there was a tribe called the Igawa's, the Igawa's were struck by a famine that killed all the animals and crops that were in the surrounding area. The tribe knew that they were going to have to leave there sacred grounds to find a place that has what they once did, but there is an upside. The tribe has made the decision to send out one of there young strong men, this man goes by the name of Ahiga. Ahiga was the strongest of all the tribe, Ahiga was also the son of the chief. His father Hakan the chief of the Igawa's knew that his son would accomplish the task at hand, Hakan had informed his son that he should leave the next morning at dawn and that he would only have four days to try to find the tribes new place …show more content…
As Ahiga slept he dreamt of not accomplishing what his father had asked of him, he also thought of what the tribe would think of him if he came back with no success then he thought about what would happen to the entire tribe if his journey came up empty handed. When he woke up the next morning he did not have as much optimism as he had the night before, when Ahiga had left his bed his father and many important tribe members were awaiting him. Ahiga, his father, and the few tribe members had a quick ceremony where they prayed to the gods that they would keep Ahiga safe through his endeavors and that he would come back to his tribe as quickly and as safely as he possibly could, as the ceremony concluded his father had given his son a hug knowing that this could possibly be the last time that he will see his son ever again. As the sun began to rise just over the horizon Ahiga said his last goodbye's to his father, and the rest of his tribe, then Ahiga knew that is was time for him to set off on his journey and that is exactly what he did. The terrain around Ahigas tribe was very mountainous, the place that Ahigas tribe called home was in a valley deep inside of a very large mountain range, as he began to go north on the first day of his travel he only encountered one animal, about midday is when Ahiga encountered this