For me, the most unforgettable moment being a 3rd year high school was the Junior and Senior Promenade. All the junior and the senior students were required to join this once in a life time event.
During my preparation for the said event, I was so nervous because I don’t know what to do. My hands were shaking and sweating, my heart beats so fast like I’m running in an Olympics. While the make-up artist put make up on my face, my mom kept on taking photos of me. After the makeup session, I changed my dress and wear my shoes. My mom was so happy for me and I could definitely feel it.
Before the prom begins, I, my classmates and my friends met on the hall. We kept on taking photos of us. We were so noisy at the hall. And when somebody told us to assemble for the entourage, I was so nervous. I kept on thinking “what if I fall on stairs, many people will laugh at me.” There were so many “what if’s” on my mind. But the good thing was my partner helped me to go upstairs and I didn’t fall. The hall where our prom held was so beautiful. I was so amaze. And it was so huge.
During the program, we were so bored and some complained that they were starving. And after a very long speech of our assistant principal, she told us that the food will be served in a minute. We were so happy because finally, we could eat our dinner. And so, the food was served. It was delightful. But some complain about the ice tea because some weren’t able to drink. After the supper, the program continued. There was a lot of funny moment during the program. It was hilarious. And I really enjoyed it.
But for me, the best part of that night was the last waltz or party party time. We all dance like crazy animals and the best part; I was able to dance with the guy whom I like a lot. And I don’t want to mention his name because it’s a secret! For a moment, I felt like the world stop rotating and my heart beats so fast. I also dance with my insane friends; we kept on laughing at each other