guns. I knew that we couldn’t surrender now after we had just found them. Scanlon fired directly for Ned’s head but narrowly missed. Ned was now looking annoyed that we didn’t surrender and also raging with anger because sergeant Scanlon tried to shoot him, he shot back. Boom, Sergeant Scanlon fell off his horse, I knew that Ned wouldn’t have missed. I jumped down as fast as I could and used my horse Fred as a shield for me as I shot at Dan. It grazed his right shoulder. Ned tried to shoot me when Scanlon sat up next to me. Ned tried again to shoot me but my buddy leapt out in front of the bullet he was down and blood was pouring out everywhere. I didn’t know what to do I was feeling so many emotions all at the same time. I had seen that our horses had ran by the sound of the gun, but McIntyre quickly jumped onto my rearing horse.
While Ned was watching McIntyre I had time to run in a bush for cover Ned started to follow me for some time until I finally decided to come out from cover I shot at Ned but missed. I was so disappointed he was my aim to get for months. His eyes were red with rage, it was terrifying, and he looked like he had just came out of lava. He shot back and hit me in the armpit it hurt so badly. The bushranger shot me again, and this time it was fatal. “I am sorry I didn’t complete my mission,” were my last words.