“The Kite Runner” is a very captivating novel from the start. In the opening paragraphs, the reader’s attention is immediately grasped and we are kept wanting more. Instantaneously, we get a clear idea of what the novel will be about, and the characters, themes and ideas that it will explore. It is written is 1st person and Amir is the protagonist of the story. Hosseini successfully engages and evokes emotions in the reader, using literary techniques such as his powerful diction.
In the first chapter the reader establishes many things about the novel. We learn that the novel will be told in flashback …show more content…
as the opening date of “December 2001” sets the scene and time period of the novel. From this, the reader understands that it will be about an important event from the past. Something has happened to the narrator at age 12 that has changed him and made him who he was at the time that the novel was being told. This is like a child fighting his own inner demons and trying to be better. All of this adds a sense of mystery and suspense because the reader is curious to know what has happened to this man. A lot of negative diction, such as, “claws and frigid” is used which tells the reader that this event in the past is not a good one and it is something that the narrator would rather just disappear. Hosseini effectively shows this by personifying the past like an animal. He describes the past as “clawing its way out” after he has tried to bury it. This links later in the novel when we realize that this shows how the narrator‘s wife is stronger that he is because she can freely talk about her negative past, but he cannot because he is ashamed.
The reason for his shamefulness is more clearly seen when the reader is introduced to the main characters in the novel.
They are Rahim Khan, Hassan, Ali and Baba. These characters play a huge role in the reason why the narrator has turned out the way he is. We learn that the narrator and Hassan were very close friends. This is because they are represented by the kites in the air. This is when they were happy and equal together. He cannot escape the feelings that he has had about Hassan. The kites are described as “soaring, dancing, floating”, which represents that the narrator and Hassan were as free as kids. Happiness and joy is emphasized with the sibilance of the ‘s’ in “sparkled, sailed, crisp and sky. This adds to the soft and gentle feel of the kites in the air. We also understand that even though Amir is telling the story; it will really be about Hassan. This adds a sense of irony because, Hassan use to kite run for Amir, but now Amir is Kite running for Hassan’s son. As well as how Amir Use to tell Hassan stories, but now he is telling a story about Hassan. Now that Amir is an adult, while talking about Hassan, negative diction is used. An example is the “crumbling mud wall” that is presented in the opening paragraph suggests that Amir and Hassan’s friendship also crumbled. This then represent why Amir’s life also crumbed. Another example is the “deserted alley”. This is symbolic because Amir deserted his friend Hassan. But he too is deserted and …show more content…
Like Hassan, we learn I little about the character of Rahim Khan as well.
Rahim Khan is who made Amir think about the past when he gave him a phone call. He is representing Amir’s “unatoned sins.” This is like Amir’s sins are taunting him because he has not yet suffered the consequences for his actions, neither has he admitted to them. The writer uses objective correlative of these memories that are haunting him when he says, “frozen creek”. This mimics the way that Amir feels; cold and stuck or lonely. Many thought are rushing into Amir’s mind as he realizes that he has t confess to his actions. This shows the effect of one phone call. He now has a stream of consciousness when he names the most important people to him.
Two signature quotes that are repeated throughout the entire novel, is presented in the opening chapter. The first one is, “for you a thousand times over”. These are the very words that has haunted Amir because they were the last words that Hassan said to him. This showed how Hassan would do anything for Amir, which makes Amir’s past haunt him, because he didn’t do the same for Hassan. This feeling is represented by the willow tree which represents, sorrow, remorse and
The second quote is, “there is a way to be good again.” This tells that Amir is not the only one who knows his secret. This last line of this chapter almost mimics the first line. It comes full circle just as the entire novel will. The reader clearly understands that the novel will explore what happened and how Amir has dealt with i. It is about finding a way to be good again.
Hosseini’s opening is very effective because it establishes the narrative voice, which is a man who is 38 and has been haunted by his past. He must also confront his past. The opening sets up a sense of mystery and hooks the reader in. It is also successful because It sets the tone for the rest of the novel. It is about sin and redemption and the search for forgiveness. Most importantly, it introduces the key motif f of the kites.
In conclusion, the opening of “The Kite Runner” effectively grabs the reader’s attention and immediately tells what will be explored in the novel. It arouses the readers’ expectations and makes the reader feel what Amir is feeling. The author successfully presents the opening of this story.