Knowledge management is considered as a decisive quality in most developed organizations today. The work force’s know-how and expertise are a key factor for the success of organizations. It can also influence the effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes and their development. The process of Knowledge Management (KM) receives high strategic consideration across multiple sectors. In the management area, KM is specifically relevant due to the knowledge of the new product development process, which is especially interested in learning from the lessons of the past. (Thoben, 2000) There are few steps to carry out in knowledge management to meet the objectives of the organization. We can gather the information by interviewing and software that searches the internet. After organizing the information from database systems, we can share the knowledge. For Knowledge sharing, we need a knowledge management program to connect knowledge providers with knowledge users and also to develop and share knowledge around a common vision or common problem. Also we need document management systems to formalize and share explicit knowledge around a key corpus of documents. By cross-functional teams we can also share the knowledge. Teams with people from different disciplines and organizational units; such teams are a …show more content…
Basically, the four issues of the knowledge management are human’s selfishness, culture in the organizations, information technology issue and lacking of training. The knowledge management approaches are specifically designed for the problems normally occurred in the organizations. In this process of working on the research of this topic, there is a feedback. The lesson learnt about Knowledge Management is to see what knowledge is important. Organizations are falling into tacit and explicit knowledge only. Some of the knowledge is really useful to offer competitive advantage. Explicit knowledge comes in words such as books, documents, project, and report. Some cases of the explicit knowledge are not that useful without experience incurred. On the other hand, tacit knowledge is hard to put it in words in details but it can be found in the conversation between client and employee. The organizations worried about the loss of the tacit knowledge because somehow the organization may benefit from it. The knowledge management solutions for managing the tacit knowledge are difficult to capture. Some of the approaches are well-designed for both types of