
The Lady's Dressing Room Analysis

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The Lady's Dressing Room Analysis
It can be said that society has always been quite judgmental, and at times misguided when it comes to women. The negative perceptions that society has towards females are often times directly related toward her actions. What a female does seems to degrade her identity and capabilities in the eyes of some men. In the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and The essay “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, we can see both authors use of tone, form and style to develop their works. These poems are mainly driven by men’s attitudes towards women. A man’s perceived opinion about women can negatively shape society’s views and perceptions of them. The poem “The Lady’s Dressing Room” is a satire about a woman’s appearance. In the poem the character Celia was fully degraded due to the state in which her dressing room was kept. Celia was criticized in the poem because she spent hours in her dressing room getting ready. This is also seen as a form of exaggeration and irony in the poem. The poet seems to exaggerate a lot in this poem. He talks about Celia in this way in order to convey or project a negative perception of her. “Five hours (and …show more content…
The author seems to start off the poem with a generalized essay format, but as the work progresses the format becomes redundant. He then moves on to the body paragraphs where he talks about the conditions in which people are living and then he goes on to introducing his modest proposal. This gave the people an idea on how to deal with the suffering they were encountering with their children. While the proposal tried fixing various problems it in turn also degraded women at the same time. Swift’s focus was to make their children less of a burden on them, and more useful to the public and the country. Swift’s goal was to gather the underprivileged children and ship them off to rich landowners who could afford

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