Line one “Little Lamb, who made thee?” it is asking the lamb who created the lamb, where did it come from? Line two “Does thou know who made thee,” It is basically asking the same thing as the first line, but in a different way. Line three and four “Gave thee life, and bid thee feed By the stream and o’er the mead;” still referring to the “who made thee”; who gave you life, is feeding you and giving you water, keeping you by the stream in the meadow. Line five and six, “Gave thee clothing of delight”, the creator gave the lamb the best of the best …show more content…
Lines thirteen and fourteen, “He is called by thy name, For he calls himself the Lamb.” He doesn’t really tell him who the creator is, just that he goes by the name the Lamb also. In other words The Lamb is the Little Lambs creator. Lines fifteen and sixteen, He is meek, and He is mild, He became a little child.” Just like the little lamb, the creator Lamb is gentle, meek, and mild. The creator is the Lamb of God, he sacrifices his life to take away the sins of the world and sets it back into innocents. Lines seventeen and eighteen, “I a child, and thou a lamb, we are called by his name.” This line tells us that the one asking the little lamb the questions is a child, the child of God; the little lamb is an actual lamb, and the creator is the Lamb of God, Jesus. Lines nineteen and twenty, “little lamb, God bless thee! Little lamb, God bless thee! The last lines, is just wrapping the poem up and showing the relationship, and shows what a blessing everything is from God; in this case the little lamb, the child of God, and the Lamb, Jesus Christ the