Nadzirotul Mufidah 2011121021
Anita Nuzul Fata 2011121108
Nanda Ika Agustina 2011121125
Thariq Yudissar 2011121134
1. Theme
The theme of “Last Class” is “To defend the freedom, we need many things such as patriotism, education, courage and etc.”
2. Plot
The “Last Class” uses foreshadow/steadily close plot. It begin with Franz who is in rush to go to his school, and end with Monsieur Hamel’s class dismissing. The features of plot in “Last Class” are explained in the table below:
Start at Line 1 (I was …) up to Line 3 (… about them)
Start at Line 3 (For a moment …) up to Line 44 (My last class in French). In this features, there are many psychological conflicts happen to the main character.
Point of attack
Start at Line 45 (And I barely know to write!) up to Line 56 (… fatherland which was vanishing).
Start at Line 57 (I was at that point …) up to Line 106 (Ah! I shall remember that last class)
Start at Line 107 (Suddenly …) up to the last line (That is all, go.)
3. Setting
Generally, this story takes the setting in Alsace, France in Franco – Prussian War in 1870 where the France is defeated by Prussian. The evidences are in line 38 – 44 (Orders have come from Berlin …), in line 65 – 66 (you claim to be French …), in line 114 (Vive la France). In detail, the setting of the story is explained below:
On a street
In the morning
Frantz is in a rush, terribly afraid of being scolded
Line 1 up to Line 7
On a street in front of Mayor’s Office
In the morning
Crowded, Frantz is in a rush, curious but trying to ignore his curiosity
Line 8 up to Line 15
On the class entrance
In the morning
The people are quiet, Frantz is blushed and afraid.
Line 23 up to Line 24
In the class
In the morning
Frantz is surprised while the people seem depressed
Line 25 up to Line 35
In the class
In the morning
Line 35 up to Line 44