The last woman to hang
Task 1-The response phase (A01)
An off text improvisation in response to a photograph of Ruth Ellis and David Blakely
On our first lesson of unit 1 we used a picture of a man and a woman as our stimulus. They were both close together but did not look happy, they looked false. we sat down in groups and talked about the picture and said what came to our heads about it;-
- false smiles,
- fake happiness,
- celebrity couple,
- glamorous,
- at a party,
- James Bond and Marylyn Monroe look a likes,
We then made up an off text improvisation performance using our stimulus, my groups storyline was where a famous lady got to a party in a limo and was given some Champagne as she got out of the limo and a paparartsie thought that the man holding the Champagne was the ladies date. The paparartsie took photos and wouldn’t leave the woman go inside but eventually she pushed through and left in her limo, meanwhile one of the paparartsie took a glass of Champaign and ran of. I think that the people that where in my group were given roles that they were good at portraying and it was easy for them to act as their specific character and were able to use a variety of facial expressions without making it look unprofessional. My group used crosscutting, split-scene, upstage, downstage, off the stage, in front of the stage and we used mime, this was used when the other scene were not talking. I thought my groups storyline was quite good but I think we needed to add more techniques into the performance such as still images, freeze frames, narration and thought tracking I also think that more time was needed practicing and not planning.
We ran a hot seating session for Ruth Ellis
In the second lesson we had a hot seating session where I was playing the role of Ruth Ellis at a doctors meeting. The question the doctors was asked was “do you think Ruth Ellis should be prescribed with