So what is the law of attraction? Simply put, the law of attraction means that we are responsible for bringing in negative and positive forces into our life.
No, you aren’t jinxed. You think you are jinxed and that’s why often, at times, things don’t seem to work out. Believe it or not I used to be so superstitious to the point where I was looking for three leafed clovers in my mom’s garden. This superstitious nature started from watching an episode of Johnny Bravo and until I was sixteen I thought I …show more content…
For four years, I thought I was unlucky and that nothing good ever happened to me. The reality of the situation was I wasn’t unlucky, no one was out to get me and God wasn’t angry with me. It was a belief that had negative implications because the more I thought about it the more I saw negative forces around me.
This is the basis of the law of attraction. This is why negativity is hard to get rid of. If you spend the day, wallowing in self-pity and thinking negatively then the negative forces around you will be heightened. This is why negative people can see the worst possible situations; like for example a negative person can complain constantly about the rain, whereas a positive person will see the blessings in the rain. Law of attraction is all about perspective, but that perspective can either have positive or negative ramifications on our lives.
The law of attraction encourages you to have the freedom to take control of how your future is shaped by your thoughts. The law of attraction is more than just a theory, it is a tool you can use to change your