
The Leadership Grid's Style Theory

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The Leadership Grid's Style Theory
In the past year, many Americans have noticed an increase in the amount of sexual assault cases that have been brought to light. Some cases have taken place over the past few years, while others took place several decades ago. This is happening because our society is finally reaching a time where people feel more empowered to share these troubling and heart-breaking experiences. It would be naive to think that more stories will not be shared, but it is a great beginning for those who have been assaulted to start sharing their stories and receiving some type of closure. One of the most infamous cases reported thus far is that against Larry Nassar, USA Gymnastics, and other leaders at Michigan State University Athletics. “There’s
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This theory also “provides the basis from which most theories of production and effectiveness are derived” (Dugan, 2017, p. 117). One of the most notable portions of the style theory is the Leadership Grid, which was created to explain how task and relational behaviors are related to leadership practice. This theory focuses in on “what drives a person to demonstrate particular levels of concern for tasks and relationships” (Dugan, 2017, p. 122). The Leadership Grid and the motivational factors associated with this theory are the key components that contribute in better understanding the reasons why Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics chose to keep the sexual assaults covered …show more content…
Along with their resignations, Dr. Larry Nassar was fired late last year, and he has since been sentenced from 40 to 175 years in prison. Two them seemed to be fairly apologetic. Lou Anna Simon states “I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement (, 2018). Mark Hollis proclaims “As a campus community, we must do everything we can to ensure this never happens again — to make sure any sexual assault never occurs. But to do so, we must listen and learn lessons” (, 2018). While Nassar seems to have zero remorse for his actions. He states “What I did in the state cases was medical, not sexual” (, 2018). Although the statements from three of the most prominent leaders differ, there is still a common theme of not revealing information in order save face and in fear of failure or tarnished reputations. With that being said, it is important now to delve into the deconstruction of Style Theory and the prominence of willful blindness and commodification in this scandal.
Although the ideology of commodification is most closely related to deconstructing theories of production and effectiveness, willful blindness is also a significant ideology in the deconstruction of style theory in regards to this immense scandal. There

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