The Least Mastered Fundamental Operations in Mathematics
Using Mathematics as a subject for intervention, the following operations were pretested. Afterwards, these were checked and tallied for analysis. The results of the pretest is displayed in Table 2 shown below. Table 2. Results of the Pretest of Grade II pupils in Mathematics
Fundamental Operations in Mathematics No. of Items Mean Score No. of Pupils who got 60% up No. of Pupils who got 60% below
Subtraction 10 7.37 24 3
Multiplication 10 3.19 0 27
Division 10 2.07 0 27
Table 2 presents the pretest on the fundamental operations in Mathematics where students need improvement. Based on the pretest in …show more content…
They also need unexpected introduction and various other attention grabbers to stimulate student’s interest in the lesson. Moreover, as stated in the paper of NCCA (1999), the efforts shown by teachers in their differentiated instruction, the strategies they use, and the additional time they give to children who are underachievers make a lot of difference. Blumenfeld (2015) also stressed the importance of tutoring in the learning process of the child. According to him, the need for tutors today is greater than ever because public education is mass education, and there are hundreds of thousands of children who need individual one-to-one attention if they are to achieve any real success in their schoolwork. The mass educational setting is not conducive to good work for many students who have learning difficulties. Furthermore, public school instruction is deficient in so many ways that millions of children of average intelligence are not learning what they should. Blumenfeld (2015) also warned parents that most of them wait until their child is having difficulty at school before they think of providing remediation. Sometimes the child lags very far behind, becomes very confused, and very frustrated by not learning in the first two grades and worse when the remedial program looks long and difficult. However, proper tutoring at the preschool level or in the first two grades, as a preventive measure, can assure that the child has the foundation on which to build