Part One
Legislative Process The United States government was created as a way to evade the abuse of power using the Constitution as a guideline (“Three Branches of Government,” n.d.). There are three branches of government, which include the legislative branch, executive branch …show more content…
It is defined as the intentional termination of a human pregnancy. Those that are pro-choice believe that with the ruling in the Roe v. Wade case in 1973, abortion is the right of the mother and the government should not be able to intervene. Their argument goes on to say that the embryo or fetus is not considered a baby until after birth, as it cannot survive independent of the womb. Maybe their most impactful argument is that if abortion is not lawful, women will result to hazardous or life-threatening procedures in order to abort (“Should Abortion be Legal,” 2015). It was estimated that there were 21.6 million dangerous abortions that took place in 2008, not just in the United States by worldwide (Kalilani-Phiri, Gebreselassie, Levandowski, Kuchingale, Kachale, & Kangaude, …show more content…
If I had to choose a side, I would have to choose pro-life, as I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and a human’s life begins at conception. I believe that a woman does have the right to make choices when it comes to her body and there are multiple ways to choose from to prevent an unwanted pregnancy from happening. If proper prevention methods are used, then a woman would not have to face the choice of aborting or keeping the child. There are multiple risks that can come from abortions that can harm the fetus and the mother like heavy bleeding, injury to the mother’s organs, miscarriage, incomplete abortion, and infection (“Induced Abortion,” 2015). Therefore, I believe it is in the best interest of both the mother and child if abortion was illegal. In conclusion, nurses face political issues on a daily basis and, as patient advocates, they assume more responsibility for change especially in health policy (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2013). That being said it is important for a nurse to understand the legislative process and how bills are made into a law, as well as their duty in the process. Abortion has always been and continues to be a complex issue in the United States, especially in the healthcare field. As a nurse, we must understand a broad variety of laws and policies to maintain sufficient