“The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara is a narrative told by a young black girl named Sylvia. The main theme of the story is social inequality for African-Americans. Miss Moore is an educated laby who lives in the same neighborhood that Sylvia lives in. Miss Moore’s intelligence and education allows her to take the children out for educated lessons. One day Miss Moore takes the children out to the city to visit the toy store F.A.O Schwartz, in an attempt to show the children something that they would not see in the projects. In the store the children discover that the cost of some of the items in the store could “feed a family of six or seven.” Miss Moore took them to this toy store so that they could realize that they could have that as well if…
to get them but Billie is hiding in a tree to escape from some of the bigger boys. His sister steps…
Bambara had an early start at a successful career “whose output was small, but whose impact was great” (Sussman). Even though she was a writer who studied mime, film and theater, “what connected all her activities was her keen sense of social injustice and a commitment to work for change” (Sussman). Bambara took on the responsibility to tell truth in a time when truth was lost in all of the oppression. She uses genuine vernacular, to depict the time period as well as the setting to tell an organic story. Anne Tyler describes, “what pulls us along is the language of [her] characters, which is startlingly beautiful without once striking a false note… It’s only that the rest of us didn’t realize it was sheer poetry they were speaking.” (Sussman). In “The Lesson”, Bambara illustrates the time period with hints of social issues happening all over the United States, however, focusing on everyday Black communities while implementing a lesson to be taught.…
The protagonist lacks in all these three factors, making her stubborn, angry, and a know-it-all person. However, what she is not aware of is her family economic hardship neither the other kids. The innocence of the Protagonist is highly recognizable throughout the story, the taxi ride, the woman in a fur coat in the heat of summer, etc. The speaker has never seen someone in a fur coat during summer. She thinks is crazy, but that represents a symbol of wealth, something she was discovering through this lesson. Then they arrive at the toy store, and everyone is looking through the window amazed with the price tags. It took them a while to come inside the store, the kids know that they do not belong in there. Once inside, the speaker sees a clown, it is just $35 dollars really cheap compared to the other items in the store and pocket change for the rich folks. Going back to the slums in the train, the speaker starts to think a better use for that money, new bunk beds, food for her whole family, a trip to visit her grandfather, and even the rent and the piano bill. Through the process of analyzing, she said, referring to rich people: ” What kind of work they do and how they live and how come we ain't in on it?" Anger is flowing through her blood, and she questions herself why she cannot have a piece of the pie that represents the American wealth? Despite that other…
Sylvia’s initiation in the short story The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara, is striking because Miss Moore gives the opportunity to the children to evaluate the difference between the fifth avenue and their poor neighborhood. However, one of the story’s main themes is that innocence is a handicap and the political and moral innocence that are represented from the beginning to the end of the story brings the main character to many reflections. This idea is revealed as Sylvia’s ignorance towards the different social classes, Sylvia’s questions on the purpose of wealth and the hard realization of the true facts of inequality. Due to the children’s lack of political and moral knowledge,…
Some short stories are designed to teach lessons to the people who read them. They teach lessons about life, love, and growing up. People can learn lessons by reading short stories that where the main characters discover something about life and about themselves. There Character and the way the use of actions, words, or thoughts carry throughout the story can relate to many realistic personas. In Toni Cade Bambara's short story, The Lesson, the author presents a lesson to be learned. The narrator, Sylvia a young, self minded, lack of vocabulary, strong feminist African American from a poor neighborhood in New York is in for a great awakening, with her cousin Sugar always by her side their world was untouchable until a black woman named Miss Moore stepped in. They find her unusual because she is a black woman who has, "...proper speech..."(42). Miss Moore was educated and, "...been to college and said it was only right she should take responsibility for the young ones' education" (42). Miss Moore is not the typical black woman in the neighborhood. She is well educated and speaks well which can be found different in the neighborhood she lives in. Mrs. Moore climbed up against the odds in a time where it was almost unheard of for a black woman to go to college. She is a role model for the children who encourages them to get more out of life. When Miss Moore takes the children to an upper class toy store in the city the children see a, "Handcrafted sailboat of fiberglass at one thousand one hundred ninety five dollars" (44). The children are not sure what to make of the high price but they do realize that for, "That much money it should last forever" (45). They understand that people who make more money can afford higher quality things, and that in order to make more money they have to get an education like Miss Moore. They have to strive the best in life. At the end of the story Sylvia's cousin, Sugar, realizes that even though they are not the wealthiest…
“The Lesson” is a short story written by Toni Cade Bambara. This story tells about the effects that social inequality can have on children. It also goes to show that race and financial situations can help motivate children to make a better future for themselves. It is a story about a young African-American girl named Sylvia and her growing understanding of class inequality. The children’s educator Miss Moore introduces the facts of social inequality to the underprivileged group of children, of whom Sylvia, the main character, is the most important. Sugar, Fat Butt, Junebug, Flyboy, Rosie, and Sylvia think of Miss Moore as an unrequested educator who bores them, and Sylvia would rather do anything than listen to Miss Moore give lectures. Deep down Sylvia knows that she is underprivileged but it starts to bother her tremendously when Miss Moore introduces her to the world of the privileged. In “The Lesson,” Miss Moore sets out on a mission to teach an underprivileged group of kids an important lesson by showing them the conflict of class inequality.…
This story revolves around a trip taken by five young children, accompanied by a woman named Miss Moore, to Fifth Avenue in New York. Miss Moore takes these young children to this precise location in order to teach them a lesson regarding the invisible privileges and vastly greater possibilities of wealthy individuals living in America. Although main character Sylvia does not strongly or outwardly express a will or newfound desire to change her currently low economic status for her future self, the reader is able to interpret by a specific line in this short story that she has undergone a significant transformation. Towards the conclusion on this publication, the reader can observe Sylvia's interest in overviewing what she had learned earlier that day. Sylvia mentally states, “Ain’t nobody gonna beat me at nothin,” which suggests that her stubborn, hardheaded resistance to see the truth in front of her has been transformed. Her transformation will perhaps drive her will to succeed financially in the future. This fiery, young lady certainly seems to be expressing a different outlook not only on the leader of the field trip, Miss Moore, who she formally resented and ridiculed, but also on her future aspirations to become successful. The reader may be able to infer that young Sylvia has learned the lesson of social inequality and her discovery of such an existence, motivates her will to one day become educated and financially stable. Even though the entire short story does not revolve around Sylvia expressing an acceptance or reason to change her once ignorant outlook on society, she certainly gives sufficient reason through her actions and her mental thoughts that she is going to strive to make a difference in her current…
Many of her stories are told from the point of view of young African American girls, and her essays and lectures seek racial and gender equality (Champion). Moreover, Bambara was a political and social activist, participating and leading events and organizations that aimed to promote equality in terms of gender, race, and class. Although "The Lesson" primarily explores classism, it also exposes racism and serves as a fine example of the types of political and social issues that were prominent during the time. The Lesson" is packed with social implications. One major point of the story is the criticism of a capitalist society, in which wealth is unequally distributed.…
Toni Cade Bambara’s short story “The Lesson” is told from the perspective of a young girl named Sylvia. Sylvia is not the most reliable reliable narrator as a result of her age and upbringing- she forms opinions of others based on how they relate to her life; if a completely innocent person happens to affect her life in a way that inconveniences her, he or she will be portrayed only in a negative light whether or not this is deserved. Throughout the story, she frames her Miss Moore, who is her neighbor as well as a major protagonist of the story, as an enemy. Miss Moore, who is fairly new to the block, considers it her duty as a college-educated woman to be responsible for the education of the underprivileged children in the area, “and…
Being a woman at the beginning of the twentieth century was extremely difficult, so when Jeanette Rankin decided she actually wanted to contribute to her community it wasn’t such an easy journey. Rankin started her education young, attending a public school, which, eventually lead to her college degree in teaching. Rankin never loved school and thought that there was so much more to learn from experiences and her family. While Jeanette became a teacher, following in her mother’s footsteps, Rankin came to the conclusion that having never loved school she felt that teaching was not the path for her. During a visit with her brother Wellington at Harvard, Rankin found inspiration. Rankin fully realized the great divide between the rich and the poor and became devoted to…
All interesting authors expose their readers to experience the essence of the story. In this case, Toni Cade Bambara uses the illustration of her short story “The Lesson”, in order to convey the reality of a 1960’s ghetto, African American community through the eyes of a young girl named Sylvia. Sylvia is a young, fearless girl who has an audacious and outspoken nature despite her constant use of profanity and insulting judgments of Miss Moore. Moreover, Toni Bambara’s technique of literacy in this piece is written in a way that transport the readers to another cultural setting that is condemned by a helpless cycle of economic poverty, which Miss Moore attempts to prevent for the future generation. In addition, Toni Cade Bambara uses her colorful style of tone to express the realism and individualistic characteristic of the urban black community of the 1960s through the use of AAVE, which stands for “African American Vernacular English.” Through this unique style of writing, Toni Bambara’s goal is to challenge or even question society of its unfair economy.…
https://twitter.com/livelykathryn/status/222046440292225026The discussion activities and writing exercises in this guide provide you with possible essay topics, as do the “Discussion Questions” in the Reader’s Guide. Advanced students can come up with their own essay topics, provided they are interesting and specific. Other ideas for essays are provided here.…
In the short story "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara, a group of African-American children from the projects of New York are confronted with social class differences for the first time during a trip to F.A.O. Schwartz. Thomas Cassidy, author of an article in Critical Survey of Short Fiction, describes that the short story is “structured in an oral form that allows for meaningful side issues with the aim of being clear the central point to her audience” (Bambara 652). One can learn right away that Sylvia, the story 's narrator, is not fond of Miss Moore and could care less about the trip to the toy store. Bambara illustrates this by the tone and language of Sylvia 's narration. Her use of slang and curse words clearly indicates where she has grown up and her dislike of Miss Moore. She even conjures up a plan “to jump out at the next light and run off to the first bar-b-que we can find” (Bambara 653). It is kind of ironic that Sylvia feels this way, considering this trip had the most dramatic impact on her as she learns a powerful lesson. Miss…
The writer presents a young adolescent who is in her initial stages of life. Initially, she does not know that she is poor, but from her interactions with Miss Moore and the other rich kids, she becomes aware of her environment. She is however reluctant to accept that she is disadvantaged which a positive character is. It is surprising to note that believes she is the best despite realizing that she is disadvantaged. She portrays a positive character when she says, “aint nobody gonna beat me at nuthin.” She is different from many people who would feel this affects their ego. She is focused on remaining upbeat that she is the best among all of her…