Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born at 9 am on August 20, 1890. He and his family were from Providence, Rhode Island. By the time that he was three, Lovecraft’s father, Winfield Scott Lovecraft, suffered a nervous breakdown. His father was paralyzed and was said to be in a state of a coma. Although, it was said that his father died of paresis. Lovecraft was able to recite poetry at age two, reading at age three, and writing at age six or seven. His interest in the weird was provoked by his grandfather, who entertained Lovecraft with off-the-cuff weird tales in the Gothic mode. When he was growing up, Lovecraft was mainly a lonely boy who suffered frequent illness, mainly psychological. In 1908, just prior to his graduation from high school, Lovecraft suffered a nervous breakdown, which evoked him to leave school without a diploma. During this time-frame, he was thrown into a unhealthy relationship with his mother. Since she was still suffering from her husband's illness and death, she developed a love-hate relationship with her son. In 1919, his mother suffered a nervous breakdown and was admitted to the same hospital her husband was. Her death, however, was cause by a unskilled gall bladder operation. Howard married Sonia Haft Greene on March 3, 1924, but the couple divorced 1929. During his time period, there were many events that happened. In 1903, American inventors, the Wright Brothers, made the first airplane flight. In 1917, the United States entered World War I. In 1929, the stock market crashed, and the United States suffered the Great Depression.
H.P. Lovecraft drew from his early influences to create dark tales, which he published largely in magazines. After the successful acceptance of "Dragon," Weird Science published many of his works. Joyce Carol Oates once wrote that he exerted "an incalculable influence on succeeding generations of writers of horror fiction." Lovecraft's audience was limited during his life,